本文介绍了分享跨子域登录会话中Rails 3的正确方法?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



All the info I've found on the internet about this says to use something like

Login::Application.config.session_store :cookie_store, :key => '_login_session', :domain => '.domain.com'


And use the same key for all the subdomains that I want to share that session. When I do this, the authentication is not being passed between subdomains. In fact, when I visit any of the supposedly shared sessions, the initial session gets overwritten


i.e. on login.domain.com, I run the authentication, which returns the user name and session user_id. I then go to sub.domain.com, which should return the same info as login.domain.com, but does not. Following this, I go back to login.domain.com and I am no longer authenticated there, either.


On sub.domain.com, the session_store.rb file looks like:

Something::Application.config.session_store :cookie_store, :key => '_login_session', :domain => '.domain.com'


I have used :all for the :domain value, as well, with the same outcome. And if I remove the :domain setting on the above, then the initial session does not get overwritten, but it also does not get shared.


When I look at the cookies in Cookie Editor for Firefox, both subdomains are using the same cookie name, but the authentication is not being shared. It's a pretty basic Users table, and I am using OpenID and OAuth to perform authentication with Omniauth


更新:的建议的解决方案是不是难看毕竟,广告交换和DSP / SSP的使用相同的技术来交换访问者的会话ID,使他们能够更好地定位与广告的访问者(下一次该访问者在其网络中再次弹出)

update: the suggested solution is not that ugly after all, ad-exchanges and DSPs/SSPs use the same technique to exchange a visitor's session ID so they can better target the visitor with ads (the next time that visitor pops up in their network again)


If you can circumvent the browser cross-domain barrier, you can do it. For example, JSONP is specifically built for this purpose. And yes, session info is always stored centrally, otherwise if you get a request with a session ID of "zigzag", how can you check if it is valid?


"Those" sites that authenticate on login.domain.com might use an ajax proxy, or use other method to get through the cross-domain problem.


The oldest "trick" is to create a hook in your application that looks like an image, as images can be loaded from everywhere.

例如,有关的 login.domain.com 的你验证用户,发送到服务器和背部采用了反应,一个cookie将在 login.domain.com 的与会话ID(存储在服务器中为好)。然后 - 从Javascript - 你得到一个图像,附加的,如 - >在响应中发回的任何cookie将根据 any.domain.com

For example, on login.domain.com you authenticate the user, sent to the server and back with a response, and a cookie will be stored under login.domain.com with the session ID (which is stored in the server as well). Then - from Javascript - you GET an image, with the session ID attached, like http://any.domain.com/path/image.jpg?sessionID=abcd -> any cookies sent back in the response will be stored under any.domain.com


Another solution is to use a hidden iframe to call to any.domain.com (when a successful authentication happens), that request will return a response, and its cookies will be written under the any.domain.com domain.


If you have a multitudes of subdomains, and you can complicate your architecture a bit, I highly advise that you create a proxy, and make it available to every subdomain on the same IP address. Then no matter where the user comes in, the authentication process will always be the same, for every subdomain.

这篇关于分享跨子域登录会话中Rails 3的正确方法?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-23 13:36