I am using seeds.rb to populate some State model reference data:
State.create :name => 'Alabama', :abbreviation => 'AL'
State.create :name => 'Alaska', :abbreviation => 'AK'
# ...
虽然我没有使用状态装置(因为它是种子数据,我认为纯粹为了测试而复制它不会是 DRY),但 Rails 测试框架似乎在期间删除了所有状态种子数据测试.(我正在删除、重新创建、迁移和重新播种测试数据库,并在单元测试运行之前确认数据存在.)
Although I am not using state fixtures (since it's seed data to begin with, I think it wouldn't be DRY to have to duplicate this purely for tests), the Rails testing framework seems to delete all the State seed data during testing. (I am dropping, recreating, migrating and reseeding the test db, and confirmed the data is there prior to a unit test running.)
结果是这个断言在seeds.rb 中成功,但在单行测试中失败:
The result is this assertion succeeding in seeds.rb but failing in a one-line test:
assert_equal 51, State.all.size
1) Failure:
test_state_seeds_are_present(StateTest) [/test/unit/state_test.rb:24]:
<51> expected but was
1 tests, 1 assertions, 1 failures, 0 errors
I have tried both explicitly listing non-State models in the base test class fixtures statement, as well as flipping the transactional fixtures flag (as expected, this only affects records created during the test). Naturally the test under consideration is not itself deleting these records.
状态记录总是被删除.有没有办法让 Rails 摆脱种子数据?我是否需要复制夹具中的所有数据以确保重新加载它?如果没有重大政治事件,我预计州数据会相对稳定.
The State records are always deleted. Is there a way to tell Rails to just get its hands off the seed data? Do I need to duplicate all the data in fixtures to make sure it gets re-loaded? Short of a major political event, I would expect the state data to be relatively stable.
Tests delete all the data from the database and then load your fixtures (if you have any).
You need to get your test helper to load the seed file before the tests run. There are a couple ways to do that, check out my similar question: How to load db:seed data into test database automatically?
The easiest way is probably just to add
到 test_helper.rb 文件的顶部(假设您使用内置测试框架).
to the top of your test_helper.rb file (assuming you use the built-in testing framework).
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