本文介绍了.net core(csproj)global.json'项目'等效项的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


使用.net核心(project.json),我曾经在nuget包和源代码之间进行切换,方法是将源代码的路径添加到全局 projects 字段中。 json。完成之后,它将添加在该路径中可以找到的所有项目,这些项目可以替换我引用的nuget包。

With .net core (project.json) I used to switch between nuget packages and source code by adding the path to source code to the projects field in the global.json. After I did that it would add all the projects that it could find in that path that could replace the nuget packages I referenced.

我之所以使用此功能,是因为我有自己的nuget包,但是我想在发布前测试其他项目中的更改。但是一旦我切换到Sdk 1.0.0 / VS 2017 / csproj .net核心,该功能似乎就消失了。

I used this feature alot because I have my own nuget packages that I use, but I want to test the changes in my other project before I publish. But once I switched to Sdk 1.0.0/VS 2017/csproj .net core that feature seemed to disappear.


The alternative is just manually adding each project, switch the references manually (since they are broken up into project, nuget and sdk references), and then after switch it all back.


Any thoughts or advice would be great.

听起来csproj中没有等效项(如预期的那样),但目前有msbuild解决方法(截至初始VS 2017 / .NET Core SDK 1.0.0版本)

UPDATE:Sounds like there is no equivalent in csproj (as expected), but there are msbuild workarounds for now (As of the initial VS 2017/.NET Core SDK 1.0.0 release)



Yes, I too had gotten used to this functionality and built my workflow around it. I am still looking for a solution but I'm currently playing with the idea of using conditional logic in the csproj files. Since it's now msbuild, you can do things like this:

    <When Condition="Exists('..\..\..\MyProject')">
            <ProjectReference Include="..\..\..\MyProject\src\MyProject\MyProject.csproj" />
            <PackageReference Include="MyProject" Version="1.0.0" />


This replaces the hard reference to a package with a conditional that uses a project reference if it can find the source code (in this case the directory), and a package reference if can't.


So by default you would be referencing the package, but if you want to debug one of your projects, you check it out in the location that the conditional checks, and add the project to your solution.


This way you only need to change your solution file (by adding the project) when you want to include source code, instead of rewiring all your project references.

这篇关于.net core(csproj)global.json'项目'等效项的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-03 02:26