


According to the R documentation: ~ operator is used in formula to separate the right and left hand side of the formula. The right hand side is independent variable and the left hand side is dependent variable. I understand when ~ is used in lm() package. However what does following mean?

x~ 1


The right hand side is 1. what does it mean? Can it be any other number instead of 1?


来自?lm :

公式中的-" 删除指定的术语.

The "-" in the formula removes a specified term.

所以 y〜1 只是一个具有常数(拦截)且没有回归变量的模型.

So y ~ 1 is just a model with a constant (intercept) and no regressor.

lm(mtcars$mpg ~ 1)
#lm(formula = mtcars$mpg ~ 1)
#      20.09


lm(mtcars $ mpg〜0)告诉R删除常量(等于 y〜-1 ),并删除 lm(mtcars $ mpg〜2)给出错误(正确).

lm(mtcars$mpg ~ 0) tells R to remove the constant (equal to y ~ -1), and lm(mtcars$mpg ~ 2) gives an error (correctly).

您应该在公式内将 y〜1 读为 y〜constant ,这不是一个简单的数字.

You should read y ~ 1 as y ~ constant inside the formula, it's not a simple number.


07-23 12:34