



I am scouring the web for tools, programs, utilities, supporting libraries and code primitives that help optimize SVGs for simplicity, space and elegance recently, to link to from the Kilobyte SVG Challenge's tools section, but have yet to find good primitives focusing on how to reduce the number of coordinates of a path, without losing much – or ideally any – precision.


Take this marker-augmented version of the Coca Cola logo, for instance (~7kb, essentially all path data) – which very clearly shows lots of promise for reducing its number of bèziers, given some tooling to do the math to come up with a path using fewer nodes, while producing essentially the same curve.

对于更简单的多边形和折线问题(请阅读全线路径"),可以使用道格拉斯-皮克(Douglas–Peucker)或维斯瓦林厄姆(Visvalingam)的算法(请参见后者的Mike Bostock出色的d3实现),只需删除对路径形状影响最小的坐标,直到您对满足您需要的尺寸精确度感到满意为止.

For the much simpler problem of polygons and polylines (read "all-line paths"), you can use the Douglas–Peucker or Visvalingam’s algorithm (see Mike Bostock's excellent d3 implementation of the latter) to simply remove the coordinates least affecting the path's shape until you're happy with a size-to-precision fit suiting your needs.

我正在寻找一种等效方法,该方法可以注意到较大的曲线(甚至弧形)线段可以在不进行大量手动调整的情况下替换大量这些多余的中间曲线坐标挡块.我认为某些矢量图形包(Adobe Illustrator,甚至是Inkscape?)可能提供此类功能(欢迎访问提示!)-尽管我很乐意找到我们可以推荐的脚本化工具,并提供如何从中使用的HOWTO.命令行或什至是Web应用程序,这些代码会为人们挤出多余的路径填充材料.

I am looking for the equivalent that notices where larger curve (or even arc) segments could replace lots of these redundant mid-curve coordinate stops, without lots of manual tweaking. I think some vector graphics packages (Adobe Illustrator, maybe even Inkscape?) may offer features like these (tips on how to access them welcome!) - though I would love to find scriptable tools we can recommend and offer HOWTOs of how to use from the command line, or even web apps, that squeeze out excess path filler material for people.

作为参考,千字节SVG挑战是我设置的一个有趣的SVG教育和倡导特技,最近.最好在此处和/或在上面链接的github存储库中进行所有关于它的非问题主题的讨论.保持好状况! :)

For reference, the Kilobyte SVG Challenge is a for-fun SVG education and advocacy stunt I have set up, recently. All non-question-topic discussion about it are best held there, and/or on its github repository linked above. Stay awesome! :)


您可以使用 Ramer–Douglas–Peucker算法,可简化折线或多边形路径.

You can use Ramer–Douglas–Peucker algorithm to simplify polylines or polygons path.



09-07 02:17