本文介绍了您可以通过主要版本控制Liquibase updateSQL输出吗?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



We use liquibase to generate database changes but need these scripted into SQL files because our DB server has neither Liquibase nor even a JVM installed.


We use the updateSQL command to create the DDL script needed to make changes, however if we run (on our development server) a 'dropAll' first we get a change set for every release.


Is there a way to run Liquibase regular 'update' for one collection of changesets (i.e. all prior releases) and then produce updateSQL output only for the last release? Essentially can we parameterize our build process to indicate the release we are targeting and automatically produce only SQL for that release?




There are several ways to run a portion of your changelog.

如果您使用版本(changelog-1.0.xml,changelog-1.1.xml,changelog-2.0.xml)分解您的变更日志文件,然后拥有< include>是它们的主变更日志.xml,则对您来说,最简单的解决方案是只运行updateSql并传递所需的changelog版本.如果要为整个数据库生成sql,请运行"liquibase --changelogFile = master.changelog.xml updateSql".如果只想为版本2.1生成sql,请运行"liquibase --changeLogFile = changelog-2.1.xml updateSql"

If you break up your changelog files using versions (changelog-1.0.xml, changelog-1.1.xml, changelog-2.0.xml) and then have a master changelog.xml that <include>'s them, then the easiest solution for you may be to just run updateSql passing in the changelog version you want. If you want to generate sql for the entire database, run "liquibase --changelogFile=master.changelog.xml updateSql". If you want to generate sql for just version 2.1, run "liquibase --changeLogFile=changelog-2.1.xml updateSql"


@Jens answer works well and is what I often suggest. It has the advantage compared to the above option of catching new changeSets that were introduced into old changelog versions through a merged in patch release, for example.


Beyond that, you could use context or preconditions to dynamically control what is ran. Depending on your setup there may be ways to get those to work well for you.


Finally, there is always the extension system where you can write custom logic around how changelogs are parsed and executed to pull out older version changeSets based on file name or some other mechanism that works for you.

这篇关于您可以通过主要版本控制Liquibase updateSQL输出吗?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

10-21 03:49