


What does this have to do with the threads of the processor? for example, an Intel i5 has four cores and four threads.

我们的程序中可以使用多少个线程?例如在C ++中使用std :: thread(STL)?

How many threads can we use in our program? for example using std :: thread (STL) in C ++?


is 8 threads a big or low number of threads for a program?


这确实取决于.根据经验,将线程数限制为接近内核数(否则,您可能有太多上下文切换).您可以使用 std::thread::hardware_concurrency() 作为提示.通常,您使用线程池来组织程序.

It really depends. As a rule of thumb, limit the number of threads to something close to the number of cores (otherwise you might have too much context switchs). You might use std::thread::hardware_concurrency() as a hint. Often, you organize your program with a thread pool.

但是,真正重要的是 active 线程的数量.有些程序具有数百个线程,但它们的组织方式是这样的,以便在给定的瞬间它们只有少数处于活动状态(即可运行),而大多数处于空闲状态(等待IO,某些互斥量或条件变量).

However, what really matters is the number of active threads. Some programs have hundreds of threads but are organized so that only a few of them are active (i.e. runnable) at any given instant, and most of them being idle (waiting for IO, or for some mutex or condition variable).


Be aware that a thread is a quite heavy resource (in particular because it has its own call stack, usually at least a megabyte). So don't have too many of them (hence, having thousands of threads is generally unreasonable, unless you have a very powerful and expansive computer).


The Intel hyper-threading technology is often disappointing. You probably don't want to have 8 active threads on an Intel processor with 4 cores and 8 hyperthreads. You need to benchmark, but you should expect some bad performance in such case (perhaps having 4 or 6 active threads would make your overall performance better).

线程抽象操作系统.因此,请阅读 操作系统:三件简单的书 了解有关操作系统的更多信息.

Threads are an abstraction provided and managed by the operating system. So read Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces to understand more about OSes.


07-23 12:16