我从来没有开发前,闪光灯,但我有一个项目,我想使用ActionScript 3图书馆,我不知道我要开始什么工具。更复杂的是我的主要的发展中是一个Ubuntu框。是否有任何需要的软件包我需要安装?或任何.deb文件的,我可以买什么?
I've never developed flash before but I have a project where I want to use an actionscript 3 library and I'm not sure what tools I need to start. To further complicate things my main development box is an ubuntu box. Are there any necessary packages I need to install? Or any .deb's I can buy?
一个Windows或Mac中。 :-)
A Windows or Mac box. :-)
只是在开玩笑,其实你可以使用上面提到的Flex 3的SDK和编制使用CLI。如果这些AS3图书馆确实的Flex库(有时有在Flex中,在CS3什么工作,什么工作在两个什么作品之间的差异),那么你应该能够导入和使用它们。
just kidding, actually you can use the Flex 3 SDK mentioned above and compile using the CLI. If these AS3 Libraries are indeed Flex libraries (sometimes there are discrepancies between what works in Flex, what works in CS3, and what works in both) then you should be able to import them and use them.
另外,我从来没有尝试过自己,但Flex Builder中是基于Eclipse的,我相信有一种方法来配置Eclipse编译与开源的Flex编译如果你宁愿工作在一个图形化的IDE。
Also, I've never tried it myself, but Flex Builder is based on Eclipse and I believe there's a way to configure Eclipse to compile with the opensource Flex compile if you'd rather work in a graphical IDE.