我已经包含了一些代码对于游戏。我有一些问题可以使用一些调试。球偶尔会穿过桨,偶尔会在aprox处看到一堵无形的墙。 X = 40px。
Long post
I can not seem to get my collisions to work in this game of Pong. Along with the collisions, I would really like some help adding physics to the game (ball hits from NE and bounces back at SW)
I have included some of my code for the game. I am having a few issues that could use some debugging. The ball occasionally goes through the paddles, and occasionally gets an invisible wall at aprox. X= 40px.
All help is greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance
# Set the width and height of the screen [width, height]
size = (700, 500)
screen = pygame.display.set_mode(size)
done = False
#Create a class named sprite to use for the paddles and the ball.
class Sprite():
def __init__(self,x,y,width,height,color):
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.width = width
self.height = height
self.color= (255,255,255)
#attirbute for drawing the sprite(s) to the screen
def render(self):
#Create the sprites
Paddle1 = Sprite(50,175,25,150,WHITE])
Paddle2 = Sprite(650,175,25,150,WHITE)
Ball = Sprite(300,250,25,25,WHITE)
#Variables for moving the paddles
moveY1,moveY2 = 0,0
This is all of the code that I have for collisions with the ball.
#Commands for the moving ball
if Ball.y >= 500 or Ball.y <= 0 :
Ball_move_y *= -1
Ball_move_x *= -1
if Ball.x >= 700 or Ball.x <= 0:
Ball_move_x *= -1
Ball_move_y *= -1
#Collisions for balls and paddles
if Ball.x &g= Paddle1.x and Ball.y >= Ball.y and Ball.x <= (Paddle1.x + -50) and Ball.y <= (Paddle1.y + -50):
Ball_move_x *= -1
Ball_move_y *= -1
elif (Ball.x + -50) >= Paddle2.x and (Paddle2.y+ -50) >= Paddle2.y and (Ball.x+ -50) <= (Paddle2.x + -50) and (Ball.y+ -50) <= (Paddle2.y + -50):
Ball_move_x *= -1
Ball_move_y*= -1
This is for moving the actual ball, after it has been drawn to the screen (deleted drawing since it is irrelevant to the question).
#Move the ball
Ball.x += Ball_move_x
Ball.y += Ball_move_y
# --- Limit to 60 frames per second
This is the end of the code, minus the quit statement. I'm not sure if the frames per second is relevant to this code.
What I have tried:
I have tried adding a different collision detector, but that seems to make things worse.
After fixing what was pointed out in solutions 1 and 2, my boundaries are working better, but I can not get my paddles to hit my ball.
如果Ball.y> = 500或Ball.y< = 0:
Ball_move_y * = -1
Ball_move_x * = -1
if Ball.y >= 500 or Ball.y <= 0 :
Ball_move_y *= -1
Ball_move_x *= -1
Inverting the x-speed of the ball when it hits a vertical wall is a physical error.
There are other (similar) flaws in your code.