


  buildTree ::(Ord a,Eq a)=> [a]  - > [a]  - >树a 
buildTree [] [] =空
buildTree preOrd inOrd =节点root左右
其中root = head preOrd
left = buildTree leftPreOrd leftInOrd
right = buildTree rigthPreOrd leftInOrd

Just rootInd = elemIndex root inOrd
leftPreOrd = tail(take(rootInd + 1)preOrd)
rigthPreOrd = tail(drop rootInd preOrd)

leftInOrd = take rootInd inOrd
rightInord = drop(rootInd + 1)inOrd


  buildTree [10,5,2,6,14,12,15] [2,5,6 ,10,12,14,15] 





 只需rootInd = elemIndex root inOrd 

elemI ndex 在运行示例输入时返回 Nothing ,但是您的代码表示它将始终返回 Just ,所以运行时崩溃。您需要处理 elemIndex root inOrd 返回 Nothing


Hi I'm trying to rebuild a binary tree, I almost got it, except it throws me an error and I don't know why

buildTree :: (Ord a, Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> Tree a
buildTree [] [] = Empty
buildTree preOrd inOrd = Node root left right
where root  = head preOrd
      left = buildTree leftPreOrd leftInOrd
      right = buildTree rigthPreOrd leftInOrd

      Just rootInd = elemIndex root inOrd
      leftPreOrd   = tail (take (rootInd + 1) preOrd)
      rigthPreOrd  = tail (drop rootInd preOrd)

      leftInOrd    = take rootInd inOrd
      rightInord   = drop (rootInd + 1) inOrd

When I call it using

buildTree [10,5,2,6,14,12,15] [2,5,6,10,12,14,15]

it throws me this:

Exception: reconstruir.hs:26:11-45: Irrefutable pattern failed for pattern Just rootInd

The runtime is failing on this line:

Just rootInd = elemIndex root inOrd

elemIndex is returning Nothing when running your example input, but your code says it will always return a Just, so the runtime crashes. You need to handle the case where elemIndex root inOrd returns Nothing.

Perhaps more importantly, you should enable all warnings with the -Wall flag to show up as compiler errors so that your code wouldn't compile to begin with.


09-14 16:22