


I have a basic factory in my app that handles API calls. Currently I'm using the form:

.factory('apiFactory', function($http){

  var url = '';

  return {
    getReports: function() {
      return $http.get(url+'reports').then(function(result) {
        return result;
    getReport: function(id) {
      return $http.get(url+'report/'+id).then(function(result) {
        return result;


And in my controller I'm handling the promise like so:

.controller('exampleController', function($scope, apiFactory) {

        function(answer) {
          if (answer.status==200){
            if (answer.data.status == "error"){
              // DISPLAY ERROR MESSAGE
          } else{
            // THROW error
            console.log('error: ', answer);
          console.log('error: ', answer);


It seems I could move the promise handling to my Factory instead of doing it in my controller, but I'm not sure if that would have any benefits others than a smaller controller.


Could somebody explain the best practices regarding this pattern?


这最终取决于你想要多少数据提供给服务调用​​者。如果需要,你可以肯定的HTTP响应对象返回给调用者,并让他们处理响应(其中,顺便说一句,总是HTTP 2XX,如果承诺得到解决,而不是拒绝)。

It is ultimately up to you how much data you want to provide to the caller of the service. If needed, you could definitely return the HTTP response object to the caller, and have them process the response (which, btw, is always HTTP 2xx, if the promise is resolved rather than rejected).


But if you want to isolate the caller from the specifics of how the data got there (maybe it was cached, or supplied via another mechanism), and if you need to post-process the data, then it is advisable to handle the response in the service.


.factory("apiService", function($http, $q){
  var url = '';

  return {
    getReports: function() {
      return $http.get(url+'reports').then(function(result) {
        var data = result.data;

        if (data === "something I don't accept"){
           return $q.reject("Invalid data");

        var processedData = processData(data);
        return processedData;
         // for example, "re-throw" to "hide" HTTP specifics
         return $q.reject("Data not available");
    // same idea for getReport

然后,控制器就不需要关心底层机制 - 所有它得到的数据或拒绝

Then the controller wouldn't need to care about the underlying mechanism - all it gets is data or a rejection.

.controller('exampleController', function($scope, apiService) {
        $scope.reports = reports; // actual reports data


注意我是如何从apiFactory更改服务的名称apiService。我想指出这一点以消除可能的误解。无论您使用 .factory 。服务 .value的你得到的注射什么东西是一个服务实例。 .factory 仅仅是一个机制的如何的此服务被实例化,所以这个名字apiFactory是用词不当。这里唯一的工厂是你与 .factory 注册功能(可以是匿名的,当然):

Notice how I changed the name of the service from "apiFactory" to "apiService". I wanted to point that out to remove a possible misconception. Whether you use .factory or .service or .value what you get as an injectable is always a service instance. .factory is just a mechanism of how this service is instantiated, so the name "apiFactory" is a misnomer. The only "factory" here is a function that you register with .factory (which could be anonymous, of course):

.factory("fooSvc", function fooSvcFactory(){
   return {
      getFoo: function(){...}


09-03 03:23