

我最近开始尝试在MacOS计算机上的 Android Studio 中运行应用程序时遇到问题。我尝试从 adb 运行命令,但仍然无法正常运行,尽管错误看起来有所不同。

I've recently started encountering problems while trying to run my application from Android Studio on my MacOS machine. I tried to run the command from adb myself but I still can't get it to work, although the error appears different.


Android Studio


java.io.IOException: Broken pipe




adb: error: 65536-byte write failed: Undefined error: 0


Now I've tried a lot of different things, some of which are just stretches because the problem appears to lie in something adb related, but none of this seems to change anything;

  • 不同的应用程序/ apks

  • 不同的Android设备(共5个)

  • 不同的USB端口(全部4个,

  • 不同的(或没有)USB加密狗(USB-C到USB-A)

  • 重新启动/无效缓存(Android Studio)

  • 重新安装Android Studio

  • 重新安装Android SDK

  • 通过自制软件新(单独)安装Android SDK

  • 重置NVRAM / PRAM

  • 重置SCM

  • 更新至MacOS Mojave(并重试上述所有操作)。

  • Different applications/apks
  • Different Android devices (total of 5)
  • Different USB-ports (all 4,with and without USB-hub).
  • Different (or no) USB-dongles (USB-C to USB-A)
  • Restart/Invalidate Caches (Android Studio)
  • Reinstall Android Studio
  • Reinstall Android SDK
  • New (separate) install of Android SDK through homebrew
  • Reset NVRAM/PRAM
  • Reset SCM
  • Update to MacOS Mojave (and retry all of the above).


At this point I am at a loss. Has anyone encountered these errors before without having any of the above solutions fix it? Next thing on my list is a reinstall of the OS, but that feels like a bit of overkill.

我在2016 Macbook Pro上的MacOS Mojave上运行,但是一切

I am running on MacOS Mojave on a 2016 Macbook Pro, but everything appeared to have the same effect on High Sierra.



Weird update on the behaviour, I can get the installing to work continuously after a restart by doing the following steps;

  • 登录

  • 启动Terminal.app

  • 手动重复执行adb push命令

  • (命令成功执行)

  • 启动Android Studio

  • 一切正常...

  • Login
  • Start Terminal.app
  • Manually repeat adb push command
  • (Command executes successfully)
  • Start Android Studio
  • Everything works fine...

但是,如果我启动没有先在终端中手动执行adb推送的Android Studio,所有内容都如上所述被破坏。

However, if I start Android Studio without first manually doing the adb push in Terminal, everything is broken as described above.


即使在启动Android Studio之前在终端中调用 adb启动服务器也可以使一切正常。因此,当Android Studio负责启动adb服务器时,似乎出现了问题。

Even calling adb start-server in Terminal before starting Android Studio makes everything work. So something appears to be faulty when Android Studio is responsible for starting the adb server..


不是一个真正的答案,而是我的问题似乎可以通过最新版本的Android Studio来解决。

Not really an answer but my issue appears to be solved with the latest release of Android Studio.


07-23 10:08