


I have developed a actionbar share button, however when I run the app the button does work but it crashes the application when I try to share the images with other apps. For example if I share the image with Twitter or message the application just crashes and says that "Twitter or Message has crashed.


EXTRA_STREAM 应该持有content: Uri .

实际上,您通常可以使用file: Uri指向外部存储,尽管随着时间的流逝,这将是一个越来越多的问题.

In practice, you can often use a file: Uri pointing to a file on external storage, though that will be a problem more and more as time goes along.

您正在尝试使用android.resource:.通常,很少有应用程序支持android.resource: Uri值,更不用说EXTRA_STREAM了.

You are trying to use android.resource:. Few apps support android.resource: Uri values in general, let alone for EXTRA_STREAM.


  1. 将资源写到文件中,然后使用FileProviderfile: Uri

使用我的StreamProvider 通过content:


除此之外,还请注意,您的android.resource Uri似乎很乱,因为您似乎有一个换行符和文字字符串"getPackageName()"作为值的一部分.

Beyond that, also note that your android.resource Uri seems rather mangled, as you seem to have a newline character and the literal string "getPackageName()" as part of the value.


07-23 10:05