



我想CUDA集成到现有的aplication至极使用的boost ::精神。

I'm trying to integrate CUDA to an existing aplication wich uses boost::spirit.

隔离的问题,我发现了以下code不NVCC copile:

Isolating the problem, I've found out that the following code does not copile with nvcc:


#include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
int main(){

NVCC -o cudaTest main.cu 我得到了很多的错误,可以看到的。

Compiling with nvcc -o cudaTest main.cu I get a lot of errors that can be seen here.

但是,如果我更改文件名以的main.cpp ,并再次编译使用 NVCC ,它的工作原理。这里发生了什么,我该如何解决这个问题?

But if I change the filename to main.cpp, and compile again using nvcc, it works. What is happening here and how can I fix it?


NVCC 有时也有麻烦编制复杂的模板code,如升压被发现,即使在code仅在 __主机使用__ 功能。

nvcc sometimes has trouble compiling complex template code such as is found in Boost, even if the code is only used in __host__ functions.

当一个文件的扩展名是的.cpp NVCC 不执行解析本身,而是转发code主机编译器,这就是为什么你根据文件扩展名观察不同的行为。

When a file's extension is .cpp, nvcc performs no parsing itself and instead forwards the code to the host compiler, which is why you observe different behavior depending on the file extension.

如果有可能,尽量检疫code依赖于升压到的.cpp 文件,这不需要由解析NVCC

If possible, try to quarantine code which depends on Boost into .cpp files which needn't be parsed by nvcc.

我也一定要试试 NVCC 其中附带最近的。 NVCC 的模板支撑在每个版本中得到改善。

I'd also make sure to try the nvcc which ships with the recent CUDA 4.1. nvcc's template support improves with each release.


07-23 09:54