




I have a thread class which implements runnable and an int counter as instance variable. Two synchronized methods add and sub. When I run my test class somehow it is printing wrong results once in couple of times. As far as I understand when a method is synchronized, entire object will be locked for accessing by other threads, with this logic every time we should get same results right? Some how that is not the case. Am I missing something?

我的机器是Windows 7,64位。

My machine is Windows 7, 64 bit.

 public class ThreadClass implements Runnable {

        int counter = 0;

        public void run() {

        public synchronized void add() {
            System.out.println("ADD counter" + (counter = counter + 1));

        public synchronized void sub() {
            System.out.println("SUB counter" + (counter = counter - 1));



public class ThreadTest {

    public static void main(String args[]) {
        ThreadClass tc = new ThreadClass();
        Thread tc0 = new Thread(tc);
        Thread tc1 = new Thread(tc);
        Thread tc2 = new Thread(tc);


ADD counter1
ADD counter2
SUB counter1
SUB counter0
ADD counter1
SUB counter0


Note: You may need to do couple of runs to produce this inconsistency.


同步确实意味着所有线程都会阻止等待获取锁定,然后才能进入同步块。只有一个线程可以锁定对象,因此只有一个线程可以在 add() sub()方法。

Synchronization will indeed mean that all threads will block waiting to acquire a lock before they can enter the synchronized block. Only one thread can ever have the lock on the object, so only one thread can be in the add() or sub() methods.

但是,这并不意味着有关线程排序的任何其他内容。你开始三个线程 - 唯一的保证是他们不会通过运行 add sub 方法一次。线程1可以调用 add(),然后线程3可以调用 add(),然后线程2可以调用 add(),然后他们都可以调用 sub()。或者他们都可以调用 add()然后 sub()。或者任何混合 - 唯一的要求是每个线程在调用 sub()之前调用 add()并且没有两个线程将调用 add() sub(),而另一个线程在该方法中。

However, this does not imply anything else about the ordering of threads. You're starting three threads - the only guarantee is that they won't stomp on each other by running the add or sub methods at once. Thread 1 can call add(), then thread 3 can call add(), then thread 2 can call add(), then they can all call sub(). Or they could all call add() and then sub() each. Or any mixture - the only requirement being that each thread calls add() before it calls sub() and that no two threads will ever call add() or sub() while another thread is in that method.

除此之外:在某些情况下,它可能会在上同步,因为它是公开的 - 它通常是首选使用要锁定的内部私有对象,以便其他任何呼叫者都无法锁定并违反您设计的任何锁定策略。

Aside: it can be, in some cases, bad form to synchronize on this, as it's public - it's often preferred to use an internal private Object to lock on so that no other callers can take your lock and violate any locking strategies you have designed.


07-23 09:41