

我想在网格,以使用列表视图控件来显示LDAP搜索结果。我已经写了一些测试code,看看它是如何工作的,但它没有被显示为我想要的。据我了解,每个项目相当于一个行(使用 LVS_REPORT 风格)和子项目相当于一个列(例如每个项目我可以显示多个子项,在每一个在同一行上一个单独的列)。

I'm want to use a List-View control to display results of an LDAP search in a "grid". I've written some test code to see how it works, but it's not being displayed as I want. As I understand it, each Item is equivalent to a "row" (using LVS_REPORTstyle), and the Subitem is equivalent to a "column" (e.g. for each item I can display a number of subitems, each in a separate column on the same row).


Here's my test code, currently set to create four columns, with a single Item and four Subitems (corresponding to the four columns). Two functions: one to create the columns, the other to insert items.

int CreateColumns(HWND *hwndlistbox)
    wchar_t *cnames[100];
    LVCOLUMN lvc;
    int i;

    cnames[0] = L"column1";
    cnames[1] = L"column2";
    cnames[2] = L"column3";
    cnames[3] = L"column4";
    cnames[4] = NULL;


    for (i = 0; cnames[i] != NULL; i++)
        lvc.iSubItem = i;
        lvc.pszText = cnames[i];
        lvc.cx = 100;
        lvc.fmt = LVCFMT_LEFT;

        ListView_InsertColumn(*hwndlistbox, i, &lvc);

    return i;

void InsertItems(HWND *hwndlistbox, int *columncount)
    LVITEM lvi;
    wchar_t *items[100];
    int i, j;

    items[0] = L"text1";
    items[1] = L"text2";
    items[2] = L"text3";
    items[3] = L"text4";
    items[4] = NULL;

    lvi.mask = LVIF_TEXT;
    lvi.iItem = 0;

    for (i = 0; i < *columncount; i++)
        lvi.pszText = items[i];
        lvi.iSubItem = i;
        ListView_InsertItem(*hwndlistbox, &lvi);

我希望这产生一个单行( lvi.iItem = 0; ),每列下的文本字符串( lvi.iSubItem =我; )。这是它,而不是显示:

I expect this to generate a single row (lvi.iItem = 0;) with a text string under each column (lvi.iSubItem = i;). This is what it displays instead:

修改 lvi.iSubItem = I lvi.iSubItem = 0 中的每个文本字符串被显示为在第一列中的新行:

Changing lvi.iSubItem = i to lvi.iSubItem = 0 results in each text string being displayed as a new row in the first column:

我和它玩耍了,硬编码两个数字的iItem iSubItem ,改变既 I ,但我不能让它显示文本以外的任何地方的第一列等。我在做什么错了?

I've played around with it, hardcoding the numbers on both iItem and iSubItem, changing both to i, but I can't get it to display the text anywhere other than the first column. What am I doing wrong?


首先,你的的CNAME 项目阵列被声明为指针数组,但你不分配它们的内存;你需要将它们声明为一个字符串数组,如 wchar_t的CNAME记录[100] [40];

First of all, your cnames and items arrays are declared as array of pointers, but you are not allocating memory for them; you would need to declare them as an array of strings, like wchar_t cnames[100][40];.

其次,你需要使用 ListView_InsertItem 插入一个项目,为第一列设置的值,然后使用的来添加更多的列,像

Secondly, you need to use ListView_InsertItem to insert an item and set the value for the first column, then use ListView_SetItem to add additional columns, like

lvi.pszText = items[0];
lvi.iSubItem = 0;
ListView_InsertItem(*hwndlistbox, &lvi);
for (i = 1; i < *columncount; i++)
{   lvi.pszText = items[i];
    lvi.iSubItem = i;
    ListView_SetItem(*hwndlistbox, &lvi);


09-05 13:45