


I understand the difference between aggregation and composition but I am struggling a bit with association. My current understanding is that an association exists between classes when ‘they use each other’, for example, one object is passed to the other during a method call. See also:

http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/330447/Understanding-Association -聚合与合成


Both objects exist independently and, in contrast to aggregation, no object is a container class of the other. Does this mean that both objects MUST have a copy of the other(s) (e.g. 1:m relationship) or how else is the association ‘stored’. Any feedback would be very much appreciated.



From the UML Superstructure 2.4.1:


Nothing more, nothing less. and very vague. Because of this, it is also very hard to understand. What I defined (In a course I teach) is a hierarchy of links from dependency to composition where:

  1. AB的依赖关系意味着A使用B但间接使用(例如,通过接收它的实例并将其转发到其他对象).
  2. AB的关联意味着A直接使用B(例如,通过调用方法)
  3. AB的聚合意味着(cemally)BA的一部分,但是B可以共享,并且如果删除A,则不会删除B.请注意,这没有说明组成部分"的实现方式.
  4. AB的组合类似于聚合,其中B无法共享,并且如果删除A,其所有聚合(B s)也将被删除.
  1. Dependency from A to B means that A uses B but indirectly (say by receiving instances of it and forwarding them to other objects).
  2. Association from A to B means that A uses B directly, (for example by calling methods)
  3. Aggregation from A to B means that B is part of A (semantically) but B can be shared and if A is deleted, B is not deleted. Note that this says nothing about how the "is part" is implemented.
  4. Composition from A to B is like Aggregation, where B cannot be shared and if A is deleted, all of its aggregates (Bs) are deleted also.


09-03 20:14