本文介绍了在列表中选择项目时仅显示某些列的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 29岁程序员,3月因学历无情被辞! 为了描述我的查询,我在Share Point中创建了一个非常基本的列表(我不能包含屏幕截图,因为在我的帐户是已验证) ID# 标题 项目类型 提交 1 测试1 A 约翰 2 测试2 B Sara 这4列是用户在导航到列表时会看到的所有列,尽管还有其他列已被隐藏。我想要实现的是当有人点击"项目类型"列中的值(只有2个可能的值A& B)时,它们仅显示与某些项目类型相关联的某些列'。例如,如果有人点击'A',他们会看到以下内容; 测试1 ID# 1 标题 测试1 项目类型 A 提交者 约翰 区域 欧洲 选择"A"时,用户可以查看4列以及一个名为"Region"的额外列。但是,如果用户选择"项目类型""B",则以下显示; 测试2 ID# 2 标题 测试2 项目类型 B 提交者 Sara 城市 巴黎 显示所有4列,但是一个名为'City'的额外列,因为'B'已被选中。 我已查看SP中的设置,但只能看到创建列表视图的功能,而不是我已经查看了PowerApps& Microsoft Flow,但无法找到任何信息。如果有人知道上述是否可以在 SP内完成? 谢谢你任何帮助 解决方案 Hi mgm41, 单击"项目类型"时,您希望如何显示某些列? ? 您可以为项目类型创建不同的内容类型。 然后当您点击"项目类型"时,它将以显示形式显示不同的列。 有关更多详细信息,请参阅以下文章。 创建或自定义网站内容类型。 https://support.office.com/en-us/article/create-or-customize-a -site-content-type-27eb6551-9867-4201-a819-620c5658a60f 祝你好运, Sara Fan Hi,In order to describe my query I have created a very basic list in Share Point (I cannot include screen shots as images are not allowed until my account is verified)ID #TitleType of itemSubmitted by1Test 1AJohn2Test 2BSaraThese 4 columns are all that a user will see when they navigate to the list, despite there being other columns which have been hidden. What I would like to achieve is that when someone clicks on a value in the 'Type of item' column (which there will be only 2 possible values A & B), they are only displayed with certain columns which are associated with that 'Type of item'. For example, if someone clicked 'A' they would see the following;Test 1ID #1TitleTest 1Type of itemASubmitted byJohnRegionEuropeWhen selecting 'A' the user can view the 4 columns plus an extra column called 'Region'. However, if a user selects 'Type of item' 'B', then the following is displayed;Test 2ID #2TitleTest 2Type of itemBSubmitted bySaraCityParisAll 4 columns are displayed but with an extra column called 'City', because 'B' was selected.I have looked in to settings in SP but can only see the ability to create views of the list, not when an individual item is selected. I've looked into PowerApps & Microsoft Flow, but cant find any info. Would anyone know if the above is possible within SP?Thanks for any help 解决方案Hi mgm41,How did you want to display the certain columns when clicking the "Type of item"?You could create different content types for the Type of item.Then when you click the "Type of item", it will display the different columns in the display form.For more detailed information, refer to the article below.Create or customize a site content type.https://support.office.com/en-us/article/create-or-customize-a-site-content-type-27eb6551-9867-4201-a819-620c5658a60fBest regards,Sara Fan 这篇关于在列表中选择项目时仅显示某些列的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
09-02 17:39