



I have a public API, used several times across several projects:

public interface Process<C extends ProcessExecutionContext> {

    Future<?> performAsync(C context);


还有一个抽象类,负责实现Future机制(未显示).我知道 all 项目子类化了相应的抽象类(对于它们来说,performAsync是 final ),没有一个子类可以实现抽象接口而不对抽象实现者进行子类化.这是设计使然,因为此公共" API在我们公司内部是公共".

And an abstract class that takes care of implementing the Future mechanism (not shown). I know that all projects subclass the corresponding abstract class (for which performAsync is final) and no single class implements the abstract interface without subclassing the abstract implementor. This is by design and because this "public" API is "public" within our company.


Finding that Future is too limitative compared to Spring's ListenableFuture I decided to extend the interface to

public interface Process<C extends ProcessExecutionContext> {

    ListenableFuture<?> performAsync(C context);



And I already implemented the ListenableFuture in the single abstract superclass not shown in the example. No other implementation exists, by design.

到目前为止,每个调用方都使用Future,它是ListenableFuture的超级接口.如果使用Future<?> future = processReturningListenable.performAsync(context),则代码可以很好地编译.

Every caller so far uses Future which is a superinterface of ListenableFuture. Code compiles well if you use Future<?> future = processReturningListenable.performAsync(context).

问题是:如果我部署公共API的最新JAR,同时包含接口以及具有ListenableFuture实现的抽象超类,同时包含 在没有重新编译所有项目的情况下performAsync调用仍然有效吗?

Question is: if I deploy an up-to-date JAR of the public API, containing both the interface and the abstract superclass with ListenableFuture implementation to existing environments, without recompiling all the projects, does the performAsync call still work?


I.e. does Java grant binary compatibility of interfaces when they are replaced with a method that return a subtype of the original type?


I am asking this because 1) I find no one available for doing a simple test with an existing JAR file and 2) having to recompile all projects is a red alert.


I assume what I ask is possible because Java method names are identified by a signature that counts the method name and the input parameters. Changing the output parameters doesn't change the method's name




The referenced §13.4.12 saying:


Deleting a method or constructor from a class may break compatibility with any pre-existing binary that referenced this method or constructor; a NoSuchMethodError may be thrown when such a reference from a pre-existing binary is linked. Such an error will occur only if no method with a matching signature and return type is declared in a superclass.


So the answer is, no, you can’t do that without potentially breaking binary compatibility with existing code.


Technically, it’s simply wrong to assume that methods are identified by name and parameter types only, on the byte code level, they are always identified by name, parameter types and return type.


But note that the cite above states "Such an error will occur only if no method with a matching signature and return type is declared in a superclass". This guides to a possible work-around:

interface LegacyProcess<C extends ProcessExecutionContext> {
    Future<?> performAsync(C context);
public interface Process<C extends ProcessExecutionContext> extends LegacyProcess<C> {
    @Override ListenableFuture<?> performAsync(C context);

现在,Process继承了LegacyProcess的匹配方法,该方法不需要导出,然后根据需要使用更具体的返回类型覆盖它.这称为协变量返回类型".在字节码级别上,将存在一个"Future performAsync(…)"方法,该方法委派给实际的实现方法"ListenableFuture performAsync(…)".这种自动生成的委派方法称为 bridge方法.

Now, Process inherits a matching method from LegacyProcess, a type that doesn’t need to be exported, then overrides it with the more specific return type, as you wish. This is called "co-variant return type". On the byte code level, there will be a "Future performAsync(…)" method which delegates to the actual implementation method "ListenableFuture performAsync(…)". This automatically generated delegation method is known as bridge method.


That way, existing compiled client code continues to work, while every recompiled code will start using the new method directly without the bridge method.



09-06 22:41