在此答案中,我基本上需要在函数内部使用static int n = -1;
In this answer I basically needed static int n = -1;
inside a function. I wanted to avoid magic numbers all over the place so I used this instead:
double f(int i)
static const int sentinel = -1;
static int n = sentinel;
if (n == sentinel)
// ...
It was however pointed to me that this is not conformant to standard because sentinel
is not a (compile time) constant.
这对我来说很有意义,因为我知道常量整数已在C ++中的编译时表达式(例如数组的大小)中可用.但是,gcc,clang和icc> v16会编译此代码,而不会发出任何警告.仅icc< = v16和MSVC给出此警告/错误(请参见 godbolt ).
This makes sense to me since I know constant integers were made usable in compile time expressions (e.g. size of arrays) in C++. However gcc, clang and icc >v16 compile this code without any warning. Only icc <=v16 and MSVC give this warning/error (see on godbolt).
What does the C Standard say? Does this change between various versions of the standard (c90, c99, c11)? If this is not conformant, can we get a warning on gcc and clang? If it is conformant why do old icc and MSVC give errors?
static const int sentinel = -1; static int n = sentinel;
static const int sentinel = -1; static int n = sentinel;
is conforming C code. It is not strictly conforming C code.
C 2018将严格遵守的程序定义为仅应使用本文档中指定的语言和库的那些功能"(C 2018 4. 5).严格符合标准的程序是仅使用标准中完全定义的核心语言的程序.它将符合程序定义为符合标准的实现可接受的程序"(4. 7).对于托管实现,符合实现是接受任何严格符合程序(4. 6)的程序,即支持核心C语言但也可能具有扩展名的任何编译器或其他实现.
C 2018 defines a strictly conforming program to be one that "shall use only those features of the language and library specified in this document" (C 2018 4. 5). Strictly conforming programs are those that only use the core language that is fully defined in the standard. It defines a conforming program to be one that is "that is acceptable to a conforming implementation" (4. 7). For hosted implementations, a conforming implementation, is one that accepts any strictly conforming program (4. 6)—that is, any compiler or other implementation that supports the core C language but that may also have extensions.
6.7.9 4说:对于具有静态或线程存储持续时间的对象,初始化程序中的所有表达式都应为常量表达式或字符串文字." sentinel
表达式. sentinel
6.7.9 4 says "All the expressions in an initializer for an object that has static or thread storage duration shall be constant expressions or string literals." sentinel
is clearly not a string literal. Is it a constant expression? Constant expressions are defined in 6.6. With one exception, they must have operands that are integer constants (that is, literals such as 37
), sizeof
expressions that yield integer constants, _Alignof
expressions, floating-point constants, enumeration constants, character constants, or unary &
expressions with certain constraints. sentinel
is none of these.
The exception is that paragraph 10 says "An implementation may accept other forms of constant expressions." So, GCC and other compilers are free to accept this code if they wish, and therefore, since it is accepted by a conforming implementation, it is conforming code. However, since it is implementation-defined whether this is accepted or not, it is not strictly conforming code.
This is substantially similar in prior C standards back to 1990, although there are minor changes, such as that _Alignof
was not in early versions of the standard.