本文介绍了为什么 auto i = same_const_variable 不能推导出“const"?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


const int ci = 10;
auto i = ci;  // i will be "int" instead of "const int"
i = 20;

我想知道为什么 auto 是为这种行为而设计的?

I am wondering why auto is designed for this kind of behaviour?

为什么类型 i 是int"而不是const int"?

why the type i is "int" instead of "const int" ?



I think understand why will help us to remember it


auto 大多遵循与模板参数推导相同的类型推导规则.唯一的区别是在某些情况下,auto 会从 braced-init-list 推导出 std::initializer_list,而模板参数推导不会不要这样做.

auto mostly follows the same type deduction rules as template argument deduction. The only difference is that auto will deduce std::initializer_list from a braced-init-list in some cases, while template argument deduction doesn't do this.

来自 N3337,§ [dcl.spec.auto]

6   ... 为变量 d 推导出的类型是推导出的 A 使用模板参数推导规则从函数调用 ( 中确定,...


The behavior you're observing is the same as what template argument deduction would do when deducing types from a function call

§ [temp.deduct.call]

2   如果 P 不是引用类型:
    —— ...
    — 如果 A 是 cv 限定类型,A 类型的顶级 cv 限定符将被忽略扣除.


auto i = ci;

顶级const 限定符被忽略,i 被推导出为int.

the top level const qualifier is ignored and i is deduced as int.


auto& i = ci;

then i 不再是引用类型并且上述规则不适用,因此保留了 const 限定符.

then i is no longer not a reference type and the above rule doesn't apply, so the const qualifier is retained.

这篇关于为什么 auto i = same_const_variable 不能推导出“const"?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-23 08:12