


I created a simple round template function with an extra template argument that defines the type the rounded value needs to be casted to before returning.

template <typename T, typename U>
T round(U val) {
    T result;
    if (val >= 0)
        result = (T)(floor(val + (U)(.5)));
        result = (T)(ceil( val - (U)(.5)));
    return result;

int a = round<int>(5.5); // = 6
// no compiler warnings


But I also want the possibility to leave the extra template argument so that you don't have to insert the type you already added as an argument.

template <typename T>
T round(T val) {
    return round<T>(val);

double b = round(5.5) // = 6.0
// C2668


However, now the compiler complains:


I thought the compiler would always choose the most specific template, which should be the last one. Why is this not the case and are there any workarounds (not specifically for this round function)?

模糊调用不是指向round(5.5),而是指向return round<T>(val);.因此,此问题的答案是将重载函数的返回值重写为

The ambiguous call wasn't pointing to round(5.5) but rather to return round<T>(val);. The answer to this question was thus to rewrite the return value for the overloaded function to

return round<T,T>(val);


感谢 galop1n 对于 我的其他问题的答案



You are getting an error because return types are not deduced during template argument deduction. Instead they are substituted from the deduced function arguments. Because both overloads have the same arguments deduced, overload resoution is ambiguous which gives a compiler error.

在C ++ 11中,您可以为功能模板定义默认模板参数.如果您添加了一个额外的默认函数参数,该参数等于默认返回值,除非您明确传递默认返回值,否则始终将参数类型作为返回类型:

In C++11 you can define a default template parameter for function templates. If you add an extra default function parameter equal to the default return value, you will always get the argument type as return type, unless you explicitly pass a default return value:

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <type_traits>

template <typename T, typename Ret = T>
Ret xround(T val, Ret ret = Ret()) {
    return static_cast<Ret>(
        (val >= 0) ?
        floor(val + (T)(.5)) :
        ceil( val - (T)(.5))

int main()
    auto a = xround(5.5, int()); // = 6
    static_assert(std::is_same<decltype(a), int>::value, "");
    std::cout << a << "\n";

    auto b = xround(5.5); // = 6.0
    static_assert(std::is_same<decltype(b), double>::value, "");
    std::cout << b << "\n";


请注意,我使用三元运算符而不是您的if-else,并且我将函数重命名为xround,因为在C ++ 11中,<cmath>中已经有一个round(当然,也可以使用).

Note that I used the ternary operator instead of your if-else, and that I renamed the function to xround because in C++11 there already is a round inside <cmath> (which of course you could also use).


Note: the temporary is similar to tag dispatching: it is entirely used to determine the return type and the actual temporary should be optimized away by the compiler.


07-23 08:11