


I am working on a page for my portfolio website that displays various services. There's a large box in the center column of three columns. On the left and right of the central box are columns of 3 boxes each. Each box is a clickable link that then changes the content in the central block.

我试图使中央框两侧的框增长 mouseover 并使用jQuery .animate()缩小mouseout。

I'm trying to make the boxes on the sides of the central box grow in height on mouseover and shrink on mouseout using jQuery .animate().

我的问题是盒子是非常痉挛。当你 mouseout 的一个,并去另一个有时它会收缩,然后增长,然后再次收缩。如何强制他们第二次停止增长和收缩?

My problem is that the boxes are very spastic. When you mouseout of one and go to another sometimes it will shrink and then grow and then shrink again. How can I force them to stop growing and shrinking a 2nd time?


Here's the link to the page in question: http://www.nukamedia.com/beta/services.html


    var classes = ".how-it-works, .built-for-power, .done-on-time, .inform-your-customers, .spread-the-word, .keep-in-contact";
    $(classes).on("mouseover", function() {
            $(this).animate({height: '+=20px'},500);
    $(classes).on("mouseout", function() {
            $(this).animate({height: '-=20px'},500);


<div class="services-content container">
    <div class="row">
        <div class="left-control-squares twocol">
            <div class="how-it-works box-defaults">
                <a href="" id="works"></a>
                How It<br/>
            <div class="built-for-power box-defaults box-text-align">
                <a href="javascript: changeContent('power');" id="power"></a>
                Built For<br/>
            <div class="done-on-time box-defaults box-text-align">
                <a href="javascript: changeContent('time');" id="time"></a>
                Done On<br/>

        <div class="eightcol" id="content-square">
            <img src="images/click-to-learn.png" />

        <div class="right-control-squares  twocol last">
            <div class="inform-your-customers box-defaults">
                <a href="javascript: changeContent('customers');" id="customers"></a>
            <div class="spread-the-word box-defaults box-text-align">
                <a href="javascript: changeContent('word');" id="word"></a>
                Spread The<br/>
            <div class="keep-in-contact box-defaults box-text-align">
                <a href="javascript: changeContent('contact');" id="contact"></a>
                Keep In<br/>


您应该考虑使用jQuery stop这将停止其轨道中的动画。

You should consider using the jQuery stop() function. This will stop the animation in its tracks.

$("#myelm").stop().animate({height : "300px"});


07-31 16:17