




  • 首先

  • 词法分析

  • 单一分配

  • 懒惰评估

  • 垃圾收集

  • 类型推断

  • 尾巴呼叫优化

  • 列表理解

  • Monadic特效



词法分析甚至是FAQ的一部分: - 这里可能有更好的文章:

但是例如,我认为这是指 map / grep ( List :: Util 和 reduce ?)

http://www.perlmonks.org/?node_id=450922 =nofollow noreferrer> Perl僧侣们对功能性程序设计的咆哮



  my $ print_something = sub {printSomething \\\

do_something {
my($ function)= @_;
$ function->();

do_something($ print_something);




在perl FAQ中,我们有关于:


  sub make_hello_printer {
my $ message =Hello,world!;
return sub {print $ message; }

my $ print_hello = make_hello_printer();
$ print_hello->()


调度表是最接近的近似值 - 本质上是匿名子代码或代码引用的散列。

  use strict; 

sub do_it {
print join(:,@_);
my $ dispatch = {
'onething'=> sub {print @_; },
'another_thing'=> \& do_it,

$ dispatch-> {'onething'} - >(fish);

因为它只是一个散列,你可以添加代码引用和匿名子例程。 (注意 - 与面向对象编程不完全不同)
$ b $ h2>结论:解决方法

我不确定 perl 真的没有这个。最接近的近似值可能是reference / anonymous subs或者 constant 。


(I'这本书不属于本书,诚实 - 它似乎是关于这个主题的关键文本之一)。

这里的核心概念似乎是 - 在perl中创建一个'链表'(使用面向对象的技术),但是在你的'结束标记'处嵌入一个代码引用来评估如果你有这么远。








但显然 - 您需要对递归深度和内存占用情况稍微谨慎。


$ b $提供的整理语法b


Perl具有 map , grep , reduce 。


pre $ my @letters =(a。 。z);


  my%letters = map {$ _ => 1}(A..z); 

判决:原生( List :: Utils 是一个核心模块)

Monadic effects




Inspired a little by: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30977789/why-is-c-not-a-functional-programming-language

I found: Higher Order Perl

It made me wonder about the assertion that Perl is a functional programming language. Now, I appreciate that functional programming is a technique (much like object oriented).

However I've found a list of what makes a functional programming language:

  • First Class functions
  • Higher Order Functions
  • Lexical Closures
  • Pattern Matching
  • Single Assignment
  • Lazy Evaluation
  • Garbage Collection
  • Type Inference
  • Tail Call Optimization
  • List Comprehensions
  • Monadic effects

Now some of these I'm quite familiar with:

Garbage collection, for example, is Perl reference counting and releasing memory when no longer required.

Lexical closures are even part of the FAQ: What is a closure? - there's probably a better article here: http://www.perl.com/pub/2002/05/29/closure.html

But I start to get a bit fuzzy on some of these - List Comprehensions, for example - I think that's referring to map/grep (List::Util and reduce?)

I anyone able to help me fill in the blanks here? Which of the above can Perl do easily (and is there an easy example) and are there examples where it falls down?


Useful things that are relevant:

Perl monks rant about functional programming

Higher Order Perl

C2.com functional programming definitions

First Class functions

In computer science, a programming language is said to have first-class functions if it treats functions as first-class citizens. Specifically, this means the language supports passing functions as arguments to other functions, returning them as the values from other functions, and assigning them to variables or storing them in data structures.

So in Perl:

my $print_something = sub { print "Something\n" };

sub do_something {
    my ($function) = @_;


Verdict: Natively supported

Higher Order Functions

With reference to this post on perlmonks:

Verdict: Natively supported

Lexical Closures

Within the perl FAQ we have questions regarding What is a closure?:

This is explained perhaps a little more clearly in the article: Achieving Closure

sub make_hello_printer {
    my $message = "Hello, world!";
    return sub { print $message; }

my $print_hello = make_hello_printer();

Verdict: Natively supported

Pattern Matching

Dispatch tables are the closest approximation - essentially a hash of either anonymous subs or code refs.

use strict;
use warnings;

sub do_it {
    print join( ":", @_ );
my $dispatch = {
    'onething'      => sub { print @_; },
    'another_thing' => \&do_it,


Because it's just a hash, you can add code references and anonymous subroutines too. (Note - not entirely dissimilar to Object Oriented programming)

Verdict: Workaround

Single Assignment

I'm not sure perl really does this. The closest approximation might be references/anonymous subs or perhaps constant.

Verdict: Not Supported

Lazy Evaluation

Examples of lazy evaluation techniques in Perl 5?

And again, coming back to Higher Order Perl (I'm not affiliated with this book, honest - it just seems to be one of the key texts on the subject).

The core concept here seems to be - create a 'linked list' in perl (using object oriented techniques) but embed a code reference at your 'end marker' that evaluates if you ever get that far.

Verdict: Workaround

Garbage Collection

Perl does this via reference counting, and releasing things when they are no longer referenced. Note that this can have implications for certain things that you're (probably!) more likely to encounter when functional programming.

Specifically - circular references which are covered in perldoc perlref

Verdict: Native support

Type Inference

Perl does implicitly cast values back and forth as it needs to. Usually this works well enough that you don't need to mess with it. Occasionally you need to 'force' the process, by making an explicit numeric or string operation. Canonically, this is either by adding 0, or concatenating an empty string.

You can overload a scalar to do different things in by using dualvars

Verdict: Native support

Tail Call Optimization

Why is Perl so afraid of "deep recursion"?

It'll work, but it'll warn if your recursion depth is >100. You can disable this by adding:

no warnings 'recursion';

But obviously - you need to be slightly cautious about recursion depth and memory footprint.

As far as I can tell, there isn't any particular optimisation and if you want to do something like this in an efficient fashion, you may need to (effectively) unroll your recursives and iterate instead.

Verdict: Native

List Comprehensions

Perl has map, grep, reduce.

It also copes with expansion of ranges and repetitions:

my @letters = ( "a" .. "z" );

So you can:

my %letters = map { $_ => 1 } ( "A" .. "z" );

Verdict: Native (List::Utils is a core module)

Monadic effects

... nope, still having trouble with these. It's either much simpler or much more complex than I can grok.

If anyone's got anything more, please chip in or edit this post or ... something. I'm still a sketchy on some of the concepts involved, so this post is more a starting point.


08-21 15:50