

在javascript中,我可以通过使用来检测何时设置全局变量 foo (假设它最初未定义) code>:

In javascript, I can detect when a global variable foo is set (assuming that it is initially undefined) by using Object.defineProperty:

var foo_;
Object.defineProperty(window, 'foo', {
  get: function() {
    return foo_;
  set: function(newFoo) {
    console.log('foo set to ' + newFoo);
    foo_ = newFoo;

有没有更优雅的方式来做到这一点?一个缺点是我不能在同一个属性两次调用 Object.defineProperty 。覆盖整个属性只是为了检测什么时候被定义似乎有点过分。

Is there a more elegant way to do this? One downside is that I cannot call Object.defineProperty on the same property twice. Overriding the entire property just to detect when it is defined seems a bit overkill.


Could I somehow use proxies? I feel like I would have to make a proxy that targets the window object though ... is that efficient?


不是真的。也许你可以(应该)隐藏 _foo ,而不是创建另一个全局变量。

Not really. Maybe you could (should) hide _foo in a closure instead of creating another global variable.


The only problem is that you forgot to pass the configurable: true option.

不。您不能用代理替换全局对象。唯一可以做的是将所有的代码都包含在一个中(新代理(...)){...} 块。

No. You cannot replace the global object with a proxy. The only thing you could do is wrap all the code in a with (new Proxy(…)) { … } block.


08-13 10:44