

对于从未预计需要-ve值的整数,人们可以unsigned int类型或者int。

For an integer that is never expected to take -ve values, one could unsigned int or int.From a compiler perspective or purely cpu cycle perspective is there any difference on x86_64 ?


这要看情况。它可能会有两种方式,具体取决于您正在使用 INT ,以及对底层硬件的特性做什么。

It depends. It might go either way, depending on what you are doing with that int as well as on the properties of the underlying hardware.

unsigned int类型的青睐一个明显的例子是整数除法运算。在C / C ++整数除法是应该的向零舍入的,而在86轮接近负无穷大的机器整数除法。另外,对于整数除法(移动等),各种优化的替代品也普遍对轮负无穷大。所以,为了满足标准要求,编译器被迫调整用另外的机器指令的符号的整数除法的结果。在无符号整数除法就不会出现这个问题,这就是为什么通常的整数除法工作快得多无符号类型比有符号类型的情况。

An obvious example in unsigned ints favor would be the integer division operation. In C/C++ integer division is supposed to round towards zero, while machine integer division on x86 rounds towards negative infinity. Also, various "optimized" replacements for integer division (shifts, etc.) also generally round towards negative infinity. So, in order to satisfy standard requirements the compiler are forced to adjust the signed integer division results with additional machine instructions. In case of unsigned integer division this problem does not arise, which is why generally integer division works much faster for unsigned types than for signed types.


For example, consider this simple expression

rand() / 2


The code generated for this expression by MSVC complier will generally look as follows

call        rand
sub         eax,edx
sar         eax,1

请注意,而不是一个单一的移位指令(特区)我们在这里看到了一大堆的说明,即我们的特区是两个额外的指令pceded $ p $(干熄焦)。这些额外的说明,以迫使它产生的正确(但从C语言点),结果那里只是为了调整的划分。请注意,编译器不知道你的价值永远是正的,所以它总是产生这些指令,无条件地。他们将永远不会做任何有用的,因此浪费CPU周期。

Note that instead of a single shift instruction (sar) we are seeing a whole bunch of instructions here, i.e our sar is preceded by two extra instructions (cdq and sub). These extra instructions are there just to "adjust" the division in order to force it to generate the "correct" (from C language point of view) result. Note, that the compiler does not know that your value will always be positive, so it has to generate these instructions always, unconditionally. They will never do anything useful, thus wasting the CPU cycles.


(unsigned) rand() / 2


call        rand
shr         eax,1


In this case a single shift did the trick, thus providing us with an astronomically faster code (for the division alone).


On the other hand, when you are mixing integer arithmetics and FPU floating-point arithmetics, signed integer types might work faster since the FPU instruction set contains immediate instruction for loading/storing signed integer values, but has no instructions for unsigned integer values.


To illustrate this one can use the following simple function

double zero() { return rand(); }


The generated code will generally be very simple

call        rand
mov         dword ptr [esp],eax
fild        dword ptr [esp]


But if we change our function to

double zero() { return (unsigned) rand(); }


the generated code will change to

call        rand
test        eax,eax
mov         dword ptr [esp],eax
fild        dword ptr [esp]
jge         zero+17h
fadd        qword ptr [__real@41f0000000000000 (4020F8h)]

这code是明显较大,因为FPU指令集不无符号整型工作,因此额外的调整加载未签名的值(这是什么条件 FADD 一样)。

This code is noticeably larger because the FPU instruction set does not work with unsigned integer types, so the extra adjustments are necessary after loading an unsigned value (which is what that conditional fadd does).


There are other contexts and examples that can be used to demonstrate that it works either way. So, again, it all depends. But generally, all this will not matter in the big picture of your program's performance. I generally prefer to use unsigned types to represent unsigned quantities. In my code 99% of integer types are unsigned. But I do it for purely conceptual reasons, not for any performance gains.


07-23 07:49