


I have a class that extends a class that I need to overide, but I need to call that class's parent class. since I can't call super since that will execute the direct parent what is the best way to get the parent of my parent class?


I am sure this is a basic question, but its been a while since I have been doing any java.

class A
 public void myMethod()
 { /* ... */ }

class B extends A
 public void myMethod()
 { /* Another code */ }

class C extends B
 I need to call Class A here
 { /* Another code */ }



You don't: it violates encapsulation.

可以这样说,不,我不想要我自己的行为 - 我想要我父母的行为,因为它是假定的只有当它正确维护你自己的状态时你才会这样做。

It's fine to say, "No, I don't want my own behaviour - I want my parent's behaviour" because it's assumed that you'll only do so when it maintains your own state correctly.

然而,你不能绕过父母的行为 - 这会阻止它强制执行自己的一致性。如果父类想要允许你直接调用祖父表法,它可以通过一个单独的方法公开...但这取决于父类。

However, you can't bypass your parent's behaviour - that would stop it from enforcing its own consistency. If the parent class wants to allow you to call the grandparent method directly, it can expose that via a separate method... but that's up to the parent class.


08-19 13:40