

在python中,可以通过这种方式 :

In python, it is possible to chain operators in this manner:

a op b op c


a op b and b op c

唯一的区别是 b 仅被评估一次(因此,像 t = eval(b); op t和t op c )。

With the only difference being that b is evaluated only once (so, something more like t = eval(b); a op t and t op c).


This is advantageous from the view point that it is very readable and more concise than the equivalent version with explicit conjunction (using and).


However... I've noticed that there is a minor performance difference between chained expressions and the equivalent, be it for 3 operands or 20. This becomes apparent when you time these operations.

import timeit

timeit.timeit("a <= b <= c", setup="a,b,c=1,2,3")

timeit.timeit("a <= b and b <= c", setup="a,b,c=1,2,3")


timeit.timeit("a <= b <= c <= d <= e <= f", setup="a,b,c,d,e,f=1,2,3,4,5,6")

timeit.timeit("a <= b and b <= c and c <= d and d <= e and e <= f", setup="a,b,c,d,e,f=1,2,3,4,5,6")

注意:全部测试是使用Python-3.4 完成的。


Examining the byte code for both expressions, I noticed that one performs significantly more (actually, 4 more) operations than the other.

import dis

dis.dis("a <= b <= c")
  1           0 LOAD_NAME                0 (a)
              3 LOAD_NAME                1 (b)
              6 DUP_TOP
              7 ROT_THREE
              8 COMPARE_OP               1 (<=)
             11 JUMP_IF_FALSE_OR_POP    21
             14 LOAD_NAME                2 (c)
             17 COMPARE_OP               1 (<=)
             20 RETURN_VALUE
        >>   21 ROT_TWO
             22 POP_TOP
             23 RETURN_VALUE


dis.dis("a <= b and b <= c")
  1           0 LOAD_NAME                0 (a)
              3 LOAD_NAME                1 (b)
              6 COMPARE_OP               1 (<=)
              9 JUMP_IF_FALSE_OR_POP    21
             12 LOAD_NAME                1 (b)
             15 LOAD_NAME                2 (c)
             18 COMPARE_OP               1 (<=)
        >>   21 RETURN_VALUE


I am not experienced with reading byte code, but the first code snippet definitely performs more operations at the byte code level than the second.


Here's how I've interpreted this. In the first case, variables are pushed onto some sort of stack, and popped successively for comparison. All variables are popped only once. In the second case, there is no stack, but at least (N - 2) of the operands have to be loaded into memory twice for comparison. It appears the stack popping operation is more expensive than loading (N - 2) variables twice for comparison, accounting for the speed difference.


In a nutshell, I'm trying to understand why one operation is always slower than the other by a constant factor. Is my hypothesis correct? Or is there something more to the python internals I'm missing?


| System | a <= b <= c         | a <= b and b <= c   | a <= b <= ... <= e <= f | a <= b and ... and e <= f | Credit         |
| 3.4    | 0.1086414959972899  | 0.09434155100097996 | 0.2151330839988077      | 0.19196406500122976       | @cᴏʟᴅsᴘᴇᴇᴅ     |
| 3.6.2  | 0.06788300536572933 | 0.059271858073771   | 0.1505890181288123      | 0.12044331897050142       | @Bailey Parker |
| 2.7.10 | 0.05009198188781738 | 0.04472208023071289 | 0.11113405227661133     | 0.09062719345092773       | @Bailey Parker |


在CPython的,节省了对 b 用于链式比较并非免费。它处于严重的,不用担心的便宜水平,但是它并不是真正的免费,您正在将其与装载局部变量的便宜一些的操作进行比较。

In CPython's stack-based bytecode execution engine, saving an extra reference to b for the chained comparison isn't free. It's at the "seriously, don't worry about it" level of cheap, but it's not literally free, and you're comparing it to the slightly cheaper operation of loading a local variable.

COMPARE_OP 操作码将要比较的对象从堆栈中删除,因此对于链式比较,Python必须创建另一个对 b的引用 DUP_TOP )并将其推入堆栈中的两个位置( ROT_THREE )以获得

The COMPARE_OP opcode removes the objects it's comparing from the stack, so for the chained comparison, Python has to create another reference to b (DUP_TOP) and shove it two places down in the stack (ROT_THREE) to get it out of the way.

a< = b和b< = c 中,而不是在引用改组之上,Python只是从堆栈框架的 fastlocals 数组中复制了另一个对 b 的引用。这涉及较少的指针改组和围绕字节码评估循环的行程,因此便宜一些。

In a <= b and b <= c, instead of the above reference shuffling, Python just copies another reference to b out of the stack frame's fastlocals array. This involves less pointer shuffling and one less trip around the bytecode evaluation loop, so it's slightly cheaper.


09-05 03:49