

本文介绍了C ++的新手.关于常量指针的问题的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在尝试通过一些网络教程来学习C ++.我没有可用的编译器,否则我会尝试一下.我不确定const指针是什么意思.这是否仅表示它始终指向相同的内存地址?你为什么要这么做?以下代码合法吗?

I am trying to learn C++ via some web tutorials. I don't have a compiler available to me, otherwise I would try this out. I'm not sure what is meant by a const pointer. Does that just mean it always points to the same memory address? Why would you ever want to do that? Would the following code be legal?

int * const aPointer = new int;
... //do something with aPointer
delete aPointer;
... //do something else, including possibly more 'new' statements
aPointer = new int;



A simple way to remember how const works with pointers is to remember that it always applies to whatever is to the left of it, unless it's the left-most keyword, in which case it applies to the right.



Pointer to a constant char:The pointer can be changed to point to something else, but the char it initally points to cannot change value.

const char * p;


Constant pointer to a char:The pointer cannot be changed to point to anything else, but the char it points to can change value.

char *const p;


Constant pointer to a constant char:The pointer cannot be changed to point to anything else, and the char it points to cannot change value.

const char *const p;

这篇关于C ++的新手.关于常量指针的问题的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-23 07:43