本文介绍了具有多个转换的 VS Code 片段的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在尝试制作一个片段,它将获取剪贴板内容(markdown 文档中标题的文本)并将其转换为指向该部分的链接.例如,如果我的剪贴板包含:Some Heading - 20191107 那么我希望输出以下内容:

I am trying to make a snippet that will take clipboard contents (the text of a heading in a markdown document) and transform it into a link to that section. For example, if my clipboard contains: Some Heading - 20191107 then I want the following to be output:

[Some Heading - 20191107](filename.md#some-heading---20191107)

这是我目前用于 markdownVS Code 片段:

Here is my snippet VS Code for markdown so far:

    "link to this section": {
        "prefix": "isection",
        "body": [
            "[${1:${CLIPBOARD}}](${TM_FILENAME}#${CLIPBOARD/ /-/g})"
        "description": "Insert link to section whose heading text is in the clipboard"


This has the first transform, but what I cannot figure out is how to nest multiple transforms:

  • 用连字符替换所有空格.
  • 全部改为小写.
  • 删除任何匹配[^a-z0-9-]
  • 的字符

为了澄清我对@Mark 的测试用例,在 VS Codemarkdown 文档中,我做了一个部分标题,例如:

To clarify my test case for @Mark, in a markdown document in VS Code, I make a section heading such as:

# 20191107 - @#$%^& This is a section - 20191107

然后我复制文本 20191107 - @#$%^&这是一个部分 - 20191107 并运行您为我修复的代码段.它输出的是:

I then copy the text 20191107 - @#$%^& This is a section - 20191107 and run the snippet you fixed up for me. What it outputs is:

[20191107 - @#$%^& This is a section - 20191107](tips.tech.git.md#20191107----this-is-a-section---20191107)


Which is a valid link to the heading!



Here is a snippet that I believe meets all requirements (I have simplified this from an earlier answer of mine).

"link to this section": {
  "prefix": "isection",
  "body": [


  "description": "Insert link to section whose heading text is in the clipboard"



这里的主要思想是捕获每个组以在其自己的组中进行不同的处理.正则表达式交替只会为每场比赛捕获一组.请参阅 regex101 演示.

The main idea here is to capture each group to be handled differently in its own group. A regex alternation will just capture one group for each match. See regex101 demo.


Then you can transform that group or ignore it without affecting any subsequent matches!


  1. ([\\w-]+$) 注意 $ 表示行尾,必须是第一个捕获组
  2. ([\\w-]+) 与第 1 组相同,但不在行尾
  3. ([-\\s]+) 捕获组中的空格和连字符
  4. ([^\\w]+) 捕获组中除 A-Za-z0-9 之外的任何字符
  1. ([\\w-]+$) note the $ to indicate end of line, must be first capture group
  2. ([\\w-]+) same as group 1, but not at end of line
  3. ([-\\s]+) capture spaces and hyphens in a group
  4. ([^\\w]+) capture any characters other than A-Za-z0-9 in a group

捕获组 1 获取最后 字符集,例如 12345asdasd.

Capture group 1 gets the last set of characters, like 12345 or asdasd.

捕获组 2 获取与组 1 相同的字符组,但如果它们位于行尾则不会.这很重要,因为如果存在捕获组 2,则会添加 -,但如果存在捕获组 1,则不会添加(因此不会在末尾添加连字符).

Capture group 2 gets the same groups of characters as group 1 but not if they are at the end of the line. This is important because a - will be added if there is a capture group 2, but not if there is a capture group 1 (so no hyphen is added to the end).

捕获组 3 捕获空格和连字符.它将在输出中被忽略.

Capture group 3 captures the spaces and hyphens. It will be ignored in the output.

捕获组 4 捕获那些非 A-Za-z0-9 字符并将被忽略.

Capture group 4 captures those non-A-Za-z0-9 characters and will be ignored.

这是转换的输出:${1:/downcase}${2:/downcase}${2:+-} 注意没有提到第 3 组或第 4 组 -他们正在被丢弃.但是它们必须匹配,否则它们将通过未转换"并出现在结果中 - 我们没有.

Here is the output of the transform: ${1:/downcase}${2:/downcase}${2:+-} notice there is no mention of groups 3 or 4 - they are being discarded. But they must be matched otherwise they will pass through "un-transformed" and appear in the result - which we do not.

所以小写组 1 和 2,由于交替,永远不会在同一场比赛中同时出现.

So lowercase groups 1 and 2, because of the alternation there will never be both in the same match.

${2:+-} 如果 有一个组 2 在它后面添加一个 -.整个 CLIPBOARD 的最后一场比赛将是第 1 组,因此最后一场比赛不会附加连字符.

${2:+-} if there is a group 2 add a - after it. The very last match of the entire CLIPBOARD will be a group 1 so for this last match no hyphen will be appended.

由于 g 标志,正则表达式运行了几次,每次只捕获 4 个组中的一个.

Because of the g flag the regex runs a few times, each time capturing only one of the 4 groups.

输入:Some Heading - 20191107
输出:[Some Heading - 20191107](fileName.ext#some-heading-20191107)

输入:20191107 - @#$%^&这是一个部分 - 20191107
输出:[20191107 - @#$%^&这是一个部分 - 20191107](test-bed-snippets.code-snippets#20191107-this-is-a-section-20191107)


If you need more hyphens in the result, like:

[Some Heading - 20191107](filename.md#some-heading---20191107)

只需从第三个捕获组中取出连字符:([\\s]+) 得到:

just take the hyphen out of the third capture group: ([\\s]+) to result in:

[20191107 - @#$%^&这是一个部分 - 20191107](test-bed-snippets.code-snippets#20191107---this-is-a-section---20191107)

这篇关于具有多个转换的 VS Code 片段的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-23 07:11