

我使用的的FrameLayout上的 Andengine相机顶部添加一个按钮。我需要对齐按钮,将andengine相机精灵。

I'm using a FrameLayout on top of Andengine camera to add a button. I need to align the button to a sprite on the andengine camera.

我使用重力顶部的框架布局并添加顶部填充,以向下移动的按钮。工作的,而显影装置上。但由于在 RatioResolutionPolicy ,具有不同的屏幕尺寸不同的设备上,对齐不起作用。

I'm using gravity top in the frame layout and adding top padding to shift the button down. Works while on the development device. But because of the RatioResolutionPolicy, on a different device with different screen size, the alignment does not work.


I am wondering how to find the device screen Display co-ordinates that would exactly coincide with the AndEngine camera co-ordinates. I tried to figure out the ratio and assign the padding but is not working. Can anyone guide me on how to find the co-ordinates on the screen Display that would coincide exactly with the co-ordinates on the AndEngine camera?

真的坚持了这一点,因为两天。任何帮助将大大AP preciated。

Really stuck with this since two days. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Closest i reached was using this (Button shifts but this is still not exact):

    //get actual screen height of device to find ratio
    Display display = getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay();
    Point size = new Point();
    int height = size.y;
    int width = size.x;

    //normal ratio logic
    int heigntUsedByCamera = width * CAMERA_HEIGHT / CAMERA_WIDTH;
    int requiredPaddingForBtnOnFrameLayout = (height - heigntUsedByCamera)/2;


In this one I'm expecting the button X to be exactly where the CAMERA starts


What is going wrong here?




As, it most of the time happens, found the solution myself.


Like i mentioned in my question the code above was getting me close results but not accurate. I figured the deviation was because i had scaled the button to 0.6f. Removed the scaling and it is working perfect.


09-05 14:32