I'm interested in the different kinds of identifier cases, and what people call them. Do you know of any additions to this list, or other alternative names?
- myIdentifier:驼峰式(例如,在Java变量名称中)
- MyIdentifier:大写驼峰式大小写(例如,在Java类名称中)
- my_identifier:蛇形字符(例如python变量名)
- 我的标识符:烤肉串案例(例如球拍名称)
- myidentifier:大写字母(例如,在Java包名称中)
- MY_IDENTIFIER:大写字母(例如,使用C常量名称)
Names are either generic, after a language, or colorful; most don’t have a standard name outside of a specific community.
这些命名约定有很多名称(名称就是名称!);请参阅命名约定:多字标识符,尤其是对于 CamelCase (UpperCamelCase,lowerCamelCase).但是,许多没有标准名称.考虑一下Python样式指南 PEP 0008 –它通过"lower_case_with_underscores".
There are many names for these naming conventions (names for names!); see Naming convention: Multiple-word identifiers, particularly for CamelCase (UpperCamelCase, lowerCamelCase). However, many don’t have a standard name. Consider the Python style guide PEP 0008 – it calls them by generic names like "lower_case_with_underscores".
One convention is to name after a well-known use. This results in:
- PascalCase
- MACRO_CASE(C预处理程序宏)
…and suggests these names, which are not widely used:
- c_case(在K& R和标准库中使用,例如size_t)
- lisp-case,css-case
或者,有一些说明性的名称,其中最著名的是CamelCase. snake_case 是最近的版本(2004年),但是现在已经很成熟了. kebab-case是较新的并且仍然没有建立,并且可能起源于Stack Overflow! (破折号分隔的名称是什么?)有很多更丰富多彩的建议,例如caterpillar_case,Train-case,caravan-case等.
Alternatively, there are illustrative names, of which the best established is CamelCase. snake_case is more recent (2004), but is now well-established. kebab-case is yet more recent and still not established, and may have originated on Stack Overflow! (What's the name for dash-separated case?) There are many more colorful suggestions, like caterpillar_case, Train-case, caravan-case, etc.