我使用的PC - 皮棉8.00x用下列选项:
+ V -wlib(1)+风扇+ FAS
unsigned int类型一:4;
unsigned int类型A:4;
unsigned int类型C:4;
unsigned int类型D:4;
} MY_VALUE;INT主要(无效)
MY_VALUE测试[] =
.bits.a = 2,
.bits.b = 3,//错误133和10
.bits.c = 2,
.bits.d = 3,
.bits.a = 1,
.bits.b = 1,//误差133和10
.bits.c = 1,
.bits.d = 0,
}; / *做些有意义的事。 * / 返回0;
I have tried searching Gimpel and have done some Google searches, but I cannot find anything useful. The code functions as intended and everything initializes properly. Here are my questions.
1. Does PC-Lint 8.00x support C99 style initialization of structure members?
2. If so, what options/flags do I have to set for PC-Lint to suppress these messages globally?
I should have been more detailed in regards to question 2. I would like to globally suppress these messages in regards to my usage of designated initializers as shown above. I cannot suppress them globally for all situations as these errors can detect true errors in the code.
As far as I can tell, this syntax:
My_Value test[] =
.bits.a = 2,
.bits.b = 3,
.bits.c = 2,
.bits.d = 3,
.bits.a = 1,
.bits.b = 1,
.bits.c = 1,
.bits.d = 0,
is valid in C99 (and C11). Looking in section 6.7.8 of the standard, the thing preceding the =
in an initializer is a designator-list, which is a sequence of one or more designators. .bits.a
is valid in that context.
Apparently PC-Lint doesn't support that syntax. (You might want to notify the maintainers, unless it's already supported in a later version.)
As a workaround, if you change it to this:
My_Value test[] =
{ .bits =
.a = 2,
.b = 3,
.c = 2,
.d = 3,
{ .bits =
.a = 1,
.b = 1,
.c = 1,
.d = 0,
it's still valid C (and arguably clearer) and, based on what you just wrote in a comment, PC-Lint accepts it.
(If you want to be even more explicit, you might consider adding [0] =
and [1] =
UPDATE : QUoting a new commment:
这篇关于我该如何为共进晚餐结构成员的C99风格的初始化preSS PC - 皮棉的错误?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!