

template<class T>
void foo()

除非我实例化它,否则 Visual C++ 不会告诉我上面的代码包含错误.这是为什么?

Unless I instantiate it, Visual C++ does not tell me the above code contains error(s). Why is this?


C++ 标准包含对此问题的非正式描述,该描述描述了我认为是一个很好的指导方针,并被许多人认为是规范.

The C++ Standard contains an informal description of this matter which describes what I think would be a good guideline and is taken by many people to be the normative requirement implied by the specification.


However, implementations can point to normative parts of the Standard that allow them to go further than what the "obvious" rules seem to state. I will describe this below.


The Standard allows an implementation not to check template definitions until they are instantiated. It doesn't give a formal description as to when a "template definition" is actually supposed to be a template definition, but the usual implementation is to do forms of "brace balancing" / "parens balancing": Start from the outermost brace of the definition's body, count until you hit the last closing brace. Everything in between is ignored.


I suppose an example from the Standard clarifies this further

template<class T> class X {
  // ... (omitted) ...
  void g(T t) {
    +; // may be diagnosed even if X::g is not instantiated


So early diagnosis of syntax or semantic errors in template definitions is a "quality of implementations".


These rules are of the quality "no diagnostic required". Noteworthy, implementations by these rule are granted the license not to diagnose ill-formed template definitions even if the template is instantiated, despite what the non-normative note of the Standard says. If any rule for which no diagnostic is required is violated, an implementation is free to do whatever it wants with the entire program.

还应该注意的是,没有语法错误的模板定义",因为这个术语是由语法本身定义的.一个孤独的 + 将整个封闭的上下文呈现为一些无意义的标记汤.

It should be noted that also, there is no syntactically ill-formed "template definition", because this very term is defined by the syntax itself. A lonely + renders the whole enclosing context to be some soup of nonsensical tokens.


Last but not least, the committee knows about these "loopholes", but there was no majority to change this so far, as far as I know.


08-24 10:37