

有没有人有实施的共享对象池的策略在SQL连接池的静脉有限的资源一个很好的资源? (也就是将全面实施,它是线程安全的)。

Does anyone have a good resource on implementing a shared object pool strategy for a limited resource in vein of Sql connection pooling? (ie would be implemented fully that it is thread safe).

要在问候@Aaronaught要求澄清池的使用将是负载平衡请求外部服务跟进。把它放在一个场景,可能会更容易立刻明白,而不是我的直接situtation。我有一个会话对象,功能类似于从NHibernate的在的Isession 对象。每个唯一的会话管理它连接到数据库。目前,我有1长时间运行的会话对象和我遇到的问题在我的服务提供商是限速我这个人会议的使用。

To follow up in regards to @Aaronaught request for clarification the pool usage would be for load balancing requests to an external service. To put it in a scenario that would probably be easier to immediately understand as opposed to my direct situtation. I have a session object that functions similarly to the ISession object from NHibernate. That each unique session manages it's connection to the database. Currently I have 1 long running session object and am encountering issues where my service provider is rate limiting my usage of this individual session.


Due to their lack of expectation that a single session would be treated as a long running service account they apparently treat it as a client that is hammering their service. Which brings me to my question here, instead of having 1 individual session I would create a pool of different sessions and split the requests up to the service across those multiple sessions instead of creating a single focal point as I was previously doing.


Hopefully that background offers some value but to directly answer some of your questions:


Q: Are the objects expensive to create?
A: No objects are a pool of limited resources


Q: Will they be acquired/released very frequently?
A: Yes, once again they can be thought of NHibernate ISessions where 1 is usually acquired and released for the duration of every single page request.


Q: Will a simple first-come-first-serve suffice or do you need something more intelligent, i.e. that would prevent starvation?
A: A simple round robin type distribution would suffice, by starvation I assume you mean if there are no available sessions that callers become blocked waiting for releases. This isn't really applicable since the sessions can be shared by different callers. My goal is distribute the usage across multiple sessions as opposed to 1 single session.


I believe this is probably a divergence from a normal usage of an object pool which is why I originally left this part out and planned just to adapt the pattern to allow sharing of objects as opposed to allowing a starvation situation to ever occur.


Q: What about things like priorities, lazy vs. eager loading, etc.?
A: There is no prioritization involved, for simplicity's sake just assume that I would create the pool of available objects at the creation of the pool itself.


有对象池的实现的并查看code的 System.Buffers 的。目前, ArrayPool 是唯一可用的类型,用于游泳池数组:

Object Pooling in .NET Core

The dotnet core has an implementation of object pooling added to the base class library (BCL). You can read the original GitHub issue here and view the code for System.Buffers. Currently the ArrayPool is the only type available and is used to pool arrays:

namespace System.Buffers
    public abstract class ArrayPool<T>
        public static ArrayPool<T> Shared { get; internal set; }

        public static ArrayPool<T> Create(int maxBufferSize = <number>, int numberOfBuffers = <number>);

        public T[] Rent(int size);

        public T[] Enlarge(T[] buffer, int newSize, bool clearBuffer = false);

        public void Return(T[] buffer, bool clearBuffer = false);


An example of its usage can be seen in ASP.NET Core. Because it is in the dotnet core BCL, ASP.NET Core can share it's object pool with other objects such as Newtonsoft.Json's JSON serializer. You can read this blog post for more information on how Newtonsoft.Json is doing this.

新的Microsoft罗斯林C#编译器包含<一个href=\"http://source.roslyn.$c$cplex.com/#Microsoft.$c$cAnalysis/ObjectPool%25601.cs,20b9a041fb2d5b00\"相对=nofollow> ObjectPool的的类型,它被用来汇集这通常得到new'ed和垃圾收集往往频繁使用的对象。这减少的量和具有发生垃圾收集操作的大小。有全部采用ObjectPool的几个不同的子实现(参见:Why是否有对象池的这么多实现罗斯林?)。

The new Microsoft Roslyn C# compiler contains the ObjectPool type, which is used to pool frequently used objects which would normally get new'ed up and garbage collected very often. This reduces the amount and size of garbage collection operations which have to happen. There are a few different sub-implementations all using ObjectPool (See: Why are there so many implementations of Object Pooling in Roslyn?).

1 - <一个href=\"http://source.roslyn.$c$cplex.com/#Microsoft.$c$cAnalysis.Workspaces/Utilities/ObjectPools/SharedPools.cs,b2114905209e7df3\"相对=nofollow> SharedPools 的 - 存储20个对象或100的池如果使用BigDefault

1 - SharedPools - Stores a pool of 20 objects or 100 if the BigDefault is used.

// Example 1 - In a using statement, so the object gets freed at the end.
using (PooledObject<Foo> pooledObject = SharedPools.Default<List<Foo>>().GetPooledObject())
    // Do something with pooledObject.Object

// Example 2 - No using statement so you need to be sure no exceptions are not thrown.
List<Foo> list = SharedPools.Default<List<Foo>>().AllocateAndClear();
// Do something with list

// Example 3 - I have also seen this variation of the above pattern, which ends up the same as Example 1, except Example 1 seems to create a new instance of the IDisposable [PooledObject<T>][4] object. This is probably the preferred option if you want fewer GC's.
List<Foo> list = SharedPools.Default<List<Foo>>().AllocateAndClear();
    // Do something with list

2 - <一个href=\"http://source.roslyn.$c$cplex.com/#Microsoft.$c$cAnalysis.Workspaces/Formatting/ListPool.cs,1086fa28bcfcb8ca\"相对=nofollow> ListPool 和<一个href=\"http://source.roslyn.$c$cplex.com/#Microsoft.$c$cAnalysis.Workspaces/Formatting/StringBuilderPool.cs,039ef0c630df07c3\"相对=nofollow> StringBuilderPool - 上面专门为列表和StringBuilder的显示没有严格分开的实现,但各地的执行SharedPools包装。因此,这重新使用存储在SharedPools对象池。

2 - ListPool and StringBuilderPool - Not strictly separate implementations but wrappers around the SharedPools implementation shown above specifically for List and StringBuilder's. So this re-uses the pool of objects stored in SharedPools.

// Example 1 - No using statement so you need to be sure no exceptions are thrown.
StringBuilder stringBuilder= StringBuilderPool.Allocate();
// Do something with stringBuilder

// Example 2 - Safer version of Example 1.
StringBuilder stringBuilder= StringBuilderPool.Allocate();
    // Do something with stringBuilder

3 - <一个href=\"http://source.roslyn.$c$cplex.com/#Microsoft.$c$cAnalysis/PooledDictionary.cs,ebb1ac303c777646\"相对=nofollow> PooledDictionary 和的 - 这些用ObjectPool的直接和有对象的一个​​完全独立的游泳池。门店128对象池。

3 - PooledDictionary and PooledHashSet - These use ObjectPool directly and have a totally separate pool of objects. Stores a pool of 128 objects.

// Example 1
PooledHashSet<Foo> hashSet = PooledHashSet<Foo>.GetInstance()
// Do something with hashSet.

// Example 2 - Safer version of Example 1.
PooledHashSet<Foo> hashSet = PooledHashSet<Foo>.GetInstance()
    // Do something with hashSet.


08-23 06:06