

本文介绍了在c ++ 11中,dynamic_cast是否返回nullptr或0?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我要检查dynamic_cast的结果.在c ++ 11(或c ++ 0x,对于支持nullptr的编译器)中,我应该与nullptr或0进行比较吗?

I want to check the result of dynamic_cast. In c++11 (or c++0x, for compilers that support nullptr), should I compare against nullptr or 0?


Does it matter, and if so, why?


Is the result compiler-dependent?



Both the constant nullptr (which is of type nullptr_t) and the constant 0 will implicitly convert to the null value of any pointer type. So comparing against either one will work and is technically OK. By the way, this means that dynamic_cast return neither one, it returns the null value for the particular pointer type.


It's probably best to get in the habit of using nullptr rather than 0. As far as I know, it's only really necessary for proper overload resolution (e.g. one overload takes int and another takes char*). For consistency, avoiding 0 will be best.


考虑变量char * ptr.它的类型是(毫不奇怪)char *.但是nullptr的类型是特殊类型nullptr_t.因此,当我们编写ptr = nullptr之类的东西时,必须发生一些技术性的事情

Consider a variable char * ptr. It's type is (unsurprisingly) char *. But the type of nullptr is the special type nullptr_t. So when we write something like ptr = nullptr, some technical things must happen

  1. nullptr必须隐式转换为char *.
  2. 此转换的结果设置为ptr的新值.
  1. nullptr must be implicitly converted to char *.
  2. The result of this conversion is set as the new value of ptr.

char *的空值是将nullptr转换为char *的结果.从概念上讲,它仍然是nullptr,但是具有不同的类型(char *).此空值不同于int *string *的空值或任何其他指针类型.我们倾向于将这些空值视为nullptr(或0),但每个值实际上都是与不同类型不同的值. (顺便说一下,使用==进行比较时也会发生相同的转换).

The null value for char * is the result of converting nullptr to char *. Conceptually, it's still nullptr, but with a different type (char *). This null value is distinct from the null value of int * or string * or any other pointer type. We tend to think of these null values as just nullptr (or 0), but each one is really a distinct value from a different type. (By the way, the same conversion happens for comparison using ==).


Although this may sound like nitpicking details, it's very important in overload resolution:

void foo(char * ptr) { ... }
void foo(int i) { ... }
void foo(nullptr_t ptr) { ... }

int main()
    foo(0); // Calls void foo(int), since 0 is an int
    foo(nullptr); // Calls void foo(nullptr_t), since nullptr is a nullptr_t
    foo(new char('c')); // Calls void foo(char *), since new char('c') is a char*


char * c_ptr = nullptr; // Okay
int * i_ptr1 = nullptr; // Okay
int * i_ptr2 = c_ptr;   // COMPILER ERROR HERE

这篇关于在c ++ 11中,dynamic_cast是否返回nullptr或0?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-23 06:38