


 < SCRIPT type =text / javascript> 

var ids = new Array();

for(var i = 0; i<< ?php echo $ numR;?> ;; i ++)

function f(place){
$(#prod_btn+ place).click(function(){

var combine =prod_title+ place;
var userNameVal = $(#+ combine)。 val();
var radVal = $('input:radio [name = prod_rad'+ place +']:checked')。val();
$ .post(
cart .php,



for(var i = 0; i< ids.length; i ++)

f(ids [i]);



  while($ i< $ numR)
$ prod_image_id ='prod_image'。$ i。'';
$ prod_title_id ='prod_title'。$ i。'';
$ prod_priceM_id ='prod_priceM'。$ i。'';
$ prod_priceA_id ='prod_priceA'。$ i。'';
$ prod_priceH_id ='prod_priceH'。$ i。'';
$ prod_priceP_id ='prod_priceP'。$ i。'';
$ prod_rad_id ='prod_rad'。$ i。'';
$ prod_btn_id ='prod_btn'。$ i。'';

$ prodID = mysql_result($ result,$ i,astm_product_ID);
$ prodName = mysql_result($ result,$ i,astm_product_name);
$ prodPic = mysql_result($ result,$ i,astm_product_image);

$ mPrice = mysql_result($ result,$ i,astm_mill_finish_price);
$ aPrice = mysql_result($ result,$ i,astm_anodised_price);
$ hPrice = mysql_result($ result,$ i,astm_hanolok_price);
$ pPrice = mysql_result($ result,$ i,astm_powdercoat_price);

echo< li>;
echo< DIV id ='prod_container'>;
echo< DIV id ='fp1'>< center>< IMG class ='imagesize'src ='images / fp1.png'id ='$ prod_image_id'/>< / center> ;< / DIV>中;
echo< DIV>< p> $ prodName< p>< input type ='hidden'id ='$ prod_title_id'value ='$ prodName'/>< / DIV>;
echo< DIV>< input type ='radio'value ='$ mPrice'name ='$ prod_rad_id'> Mill Finish - Php $ mPrice< / input>< / DIV>;
echo< DIV>< input type ='radio'value ='$ aPrice'name ='$ prod_rad_id'> Anodised - Php $ aPrice< / input>< / DIV>;
echo< DIV>< input type ='radio'value ='$ hPrice'name ='$ prod_rad_id'> Hanolok - Php $ hPrice< / DIV>;
echo< DIV>< input type ='radio'value ='$ pPrice'name ='$ prod_rad_id'> Powder Coat - Php $ pPrice< / input>< / DIV>;
echo< DIV>< button type ='button'id ='$ prod_btn_id'onClick ='fg_popup_form(\fg_formContainer \,\fg_form_InnerContainer \,\fg_backgroundpopup \\ \\);'>添加到购物车< / button>< / DIV>;
echo< / DIV>;
echo< / li>;

$ i ++;

js只是获取所选单选按钮的值和名称产品。它工作正常。我的问题是我还想获得所选单选按钮的文本。 .text()对我不起作用,我不知道为什么。帮帮我谢谢! :)




一个非常好的技巧是浏览器如何通过名称公开表单的选定单选按钮。 / p>


 < form ID = myForm会 > 
< label>
< input type =radioname =gendervalue =m/>
< span>男< / span>
< / label>

< label>
< input type =radioname =gendervalue =f/>
< span>女< / span>
< / label>

< label>
< input type =radioname =gendervalue =o/>
< span>其他< / span>
< / label>
< / form>

因为表格的ID为 myForm ,在JavaScript中,您可以访问当前选中的单选按钮,如下所示:

  var myForm = document.getElementById(myForm); 
var selectedRadio = myForm [gender];


  selectedRadio.value // m,f或o 
selectedRadio.parentElement.textContent //男,女或其他

this is the JS

    <SCRIPT type="text/javascript">

        var ids = new Array();

        for(var i = 0; i < <?php  echo $numR; ?>; i++)

        function f(place) {
           $("#prod_btn" + place).click(function () {

                var combine = "prod_title" + place;
                var userNameVal = $("#" + combine).val();
                var radVal = $('input:radio[name=prod_rad' + place +']:checked').val();
                 { uval : userNameVal,
                    rval : radVal },
                 function(data) {



        for (var i=0; i<ids.length; i++)



this is the HTML

while ($i < $numR)
$prod_image_id = 'prod_image'.$i.'';
$prod_title_id = 'prod_title'.$i.'';
$prod_priceM_id = 'prod_priceM'.$i.'';
$prod_priceA_id = 'prod_priceA'.$i.'';
$prod_priceH_id = 'prod_priceH'.$i.'';
$prod_priceP_id = 'prod_priceP'.$i.'';
$prod_rad_id = 'prod_rad'.$i.'';
$prod_btn_id = 'prod_btn'.$i.'';

$prodID         = mysql_result($result, $i, "astm_product_ID");
$prodName       = mysql_result($result, $i, "astm_product_name");
$prodPic        = mysql_result($result, $i, "astm_product_image");

$mPrice         = mysql_result($result, $i, "astm_mill_finish_price");
$aPrice         = mysql_result($result, $i, "astm_anodised_price");
$hPrice         = mysql_result($result, $i, "astm_hanolok_price");
$pPrice         = mysql_result($result, $i, "astm_powdercoat_price");

    echo "<li>";
    echo "<DIV id='prod_container'>";
    echo "<DIV id = 'fp1'><center><IMG class = 'imagesize' src='images/fp1.png' id = '$prod_image_id'/></center></DIV>";
    echo "<DIV><p>$prodName<p><input type = 'hidden' id = '$prod_title_id' value = '$prodName' /></DIV>";
    echo "<DIV><input type='radio' value='$mPrice' name='$prod_rad_id'>Mill Finish - Php $mPrice</input></DIV>";
    echo "<DIV><input type='radio' value='$aPrice' name='$prod_rad_id'>Anodised - Php $aPrice</input></DIV>";
    echo "<DIV><input type='radio' value='$hPrice' name='$prod_rad_id'>Hanolok - Php $hPrice</DIV>";
    echo "<DIV><input type='radio' value='$pPrice' name='$prod_rad_id'>Powder Coat - Php $pPrice</input></DIV>";
    echo "<DIV><button type='button' id = '$prod_btn_id' onClick = 'fg_popup_form(\"fg_formContainer\",\"fg_form_InnerContainer\",\"fg_backgroundpopup\");'>Add to Cart</button></DIV>";
    echo "</DIV>";
    echo "</li>";


The js simply gets the value of the radio button selected and the name of the product. It works fine. My problem is that I also want to get the text of the selected radio button. ".text()" is not working for me and I don't know why. Help Me Thanks! :)


Using a form to access the selected radio button

tl;dr here is a live demo: http://jsfiddle.net/g105b/wchyLcfc/

A really nice trick is how browsers expose the selected radio button of a form, by its name.

Consider this HTML, with a gender choice:

<form id="myForm">
        <input type="radio" name="gender" value="m" />

        <input type="radio" name="gender" value="f" />

        <input type="radio" name="gender" value="o" />

Because the form has an ID of myForm, in JavaScript you can access the currently selected radio button like this:

var myForm = document.getElementById("myForm");
var selectedRadio = myForm["gender"];

and from this, you can get the value of the radio box, or the text content of the containing label:

selectedRadio.value // m, f or o
selectedRadio.parentElement.textContent // Male, Female or Other


08-22 23:06