本文介绍了非const引用绑定到临时,Visual Studio错误?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我遇到这个,而编译一些便携式代码在 gcc 。基本上,这个奇怪的代码编译在Visual studio,这真的只是让我的脑海:

I ran into this while compiling some portable code in gcc. Basically this strange code compiles in Visual studio which really just blows my mind:

class Zebra {int x;};
Zebra goo() {Zebra z; return z;}
void foo(Zebra &x)
    Zebra y;
    x = y;

Visual studio 这一个飞。 gcc 会将此捕获为编译错误。有趣的是,如果你输入typedef Zebra to int, VC ++ 会抱怨。相当矛盾的行为。

Visual studio lets this one fly. gcc will catch this as a compile error. Interestingly, If you typedef Zebra to int, VC++ will complain. Quite contradictory behavior. Thoughts?


这是Visual Studio的旧扩展,我在Microsoft网站上找到的唯一参考是这个错误报告: ,其中有以下示例代码:

This is old extension to Visual Studio, the only reference I could find on the Microsoft site was this bug report: Temporary Objects Can be Bound to Non-Const References, which has the following example code:

struct A {};

A     f1();
void f2(A&);

int main()
    f2(f1()); // This line SHALL trigger an error, but it can be compiled without any     errors or warnings.


这篇博客文章:,它涵盖了这个扩展,注意到: p>

This blog post: Visual C++ is so Liberal which covers this extension notes that:

这篇关于非const引用绑定到临时,Visual Studio错误?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-01 02:13