


I have tried to set jumboMode in gradle for my project, it seems able to solve the following DexIndexOverflowException:


DexIndexOverflowException: Cannot merge new index 65772 into a non-jumbo instruction!


1) What is jumboMode option actually does behind the scene?

android {
    dexOptions {
        jumboMode true



2) I also notice that enabling multi-dex can solve the same problem as well, what is the right choice between these two approaches?

android {
    defaultConfig {
        multiDexEnabled true



"Jumbo" means "same as before, but with large number for reference".


Almost anything in DEX-files referenced with 16-bit values (even bytecode present as 16-bit "units"), so here possible to address only 65536 objects (methods or strings), no more.

但是应用程序可以包含更多的字符串!如何解决这个限制?Android开发人员刚刚添加了带有"jumbo"后缀的新操作码,因此您可以使用"const-string 16_bit_addr"或"const-string 32_bit_addr"来引用字符串,它们可以引用2 ^ 32个项目.目前 https://source.android.com/devices/tech/dalvik/dalvik-bytecode "jumbo"后缀仅适用于字符串(const-string/jumbo),但在较旧的文档中包含:

But application can contain much more strings! How to solve this limit? Developers of Android just added new opcodes with "jumbo" suffix, so you can reference string with "const-string 16_bit_addr" or "const-string 32_bit_addr" which can reference 2^32 items. Currently https://source.android.com/devices/tech/dalvik/dalvik-bytecode "jumbo" suffix exists only for strings (const-string/jumbo), but in older docs contain:

# Extended-width opcodes

op 00ff const-class/jumbo           41c  y type-ref      continue|throw
op 01ff check-cast/jumbo            41c  n type-ref      continue|throw
op 02ff instance-of/jumbo           52c  y type-ref      continue|throw
op 03ff new-instance/jumbo          41c  y type-ref      continue|throw
op 04ff new-array/jumbo             52c  y type-ref      continue|throw
op 05ff filled-new-array/jumbo      5rc  n type-ref      continue|throw
op 06ff iget/jumbo                  52c  y field-ref     continue|throw
op 07ff iget-wide/jumbo             52c  y field-ref     continue|throw
op 08ff iget-object/jumbo           52c  y field-ref     continue|throw
op 09ff iget-boolean/jumbo          52c  y field-ref     continue|throw
op 0aff iget-byte/jumbo             52c  y field-ref     continue|throw
op 0bff iget-char/jumbo             52c  y field-ref     continue|throw
op 0cff iget-short/jumbo            52c  y field-ref     continue|throw
op 0dff iput/jumbo                  52c  n field-ref     continue|throw
op 0eff iput-wide/jumbo             52c  n field-ref     continue|throw
op 0fff iput-object/jumbo           52c  n field-ref     continue|throw
op 10ff iput-boolean/jumbo          52c  n field-ref     continue|throw
op 11ff iput-byte/jumbo             52c  n field-ref     continue|throw
op 12ff iput-char/jumbo             52c  n field-ref     continue|throw
op 13ff iput-short/jumbo            52c  n field-ref     continue|throw
op 14ff sget/jumbo                  41c  y field-ref     continue|throw
op 15ff sget-wide/jumbo             41c  y field-ref     continue|throw
op 16ff sget-object/jumbo           41c  y field-ref     continue|throw
op 17ff sget-boolean/jumbo          41c  y field-ref     continue|throw
op 18ff sget-byte/jumbo             41c  y field-ref     continue|throw
op 19ff sget-char/jumbo             41c  y field-ref     continue|throw
op 1aff sget-short/jumbo            41c  y field-ref     continue|throw
op 1bff sput/jumbo                  41c  n field-ref     continue|throw
op 1cff sput-wide/jumbo             41c  n field-ref     continue|throw
op 1dff sput-object/jumbo           41c  n field-ref     continue|throw
op 1eff sput-boolean/jumbo          41c  n field-ref     continue|throw
op 1fff sput-byte/jumbo             41c  n field-ref     continue|throw
op 20ff sput-char/jumbo             41c  n field-ref     continue|throw
op 21ff sput-short/jumbo            41c  n field-ref     continue|throw
op 22ff invoke-virtual/jumbo        5rc  n method-ref    continue|throw|invoke
op 23ff invoke-super/jumbo          5rc  n method-ref    continue|throw|invoke
op 24ff invoke-direct/jumbo         5rc  n method-ref    continue|throw|invoke
op 25ff invoke-static/jumbo         5rc  n method-ref    continue|throw|invoke
op 26ff invoke-interface/jumbo      5rc  n method-ref    continue|throw|invoke


07-23 04:51