About MVVM with new architecture components, I've a question, how should I implement if my app needs to display for example a Dialog with 3 options from some action that happened in my VM? Who is responsible for sending to Activity/Fragment the command to show dialog?
与UI相关的操作,例如打开新活动或显示对话框,是从视图(活动或片段)而不是从ViewModel触发的. ViewModel没有对视图的引用,以防止泄漏并保持表示层处于活动状态".
UI-related actions like opening new activities or showing dialogs are triggered from the view (an activity or fragment), not from a ViewModel. The ViewModel doesn't have a reference to the view to prevent leaks and keep the presentation layer "reactive".
You could subscribe your view (activity or fragment) to an observable in the ViewModel so that when it changes, you can start your dialog or new activity from the view.
我写了一篇关于此的文章,因为它并不简单.一个好的方法是将事件建模为状态的一部分,并使用事件包装器来执行导航之类的操作: https://medium.com/google-developers/livedata-with-snackbar-navigation-and-other-events-the-singleliveevent-case-ac2622673150
I wrote an article about this because it's not straightforward. A good approach is to model events as part of your state and use an Event wrapper for actions like navigation: https://medium.com/google-developers/livedata-with-snackbar-navigation-and-other-events-the-singleliveevent-case-ac2622673150
这篇关于在Android MVVM体系结构中从ViewModel显示对话框的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!