

我想知道(实际上我知道有一种方式来运行js在命令行,因为当我观看google I / 0演示,他们使用命令像d8,也许它是V8引擎的一部分)是有任何方式来运行/调试我的javascripts在命令行?例如 d8 myJsfile.js --prof 等。

I'm wondering (actually I know there definitely is such a way to run js in command line, because when I watch google I/0 presentations, they use a command like d8, maybe it's part of V8 engine) is there any way to run/debug my javascripts in command line? such as d8 myJsfile.js --prof etc.?




Yes, D8 is a command line tool that allows you to run and debug Javascript scripts. It comes with V8.


Getting V8 on your machine is not hard. Follow these instructions:https://developers.google.com/v8/build


(The part with GYP looks a little messy but I got through it easily on a Linux box.)


With V8 installed, you now have d8, which allows you to run javascript from the command line.

$ d8 myscript.js


c $ c> d8 --help 用于分析选项。

如果您要使用调试启动d8,请使用以下选项: -debugger 。在代码中遇到语句 debugger; 时,或者在d8中键入 debugger; 贝壳。 (你通过启动d8与 - shell 。)你知道你正在调试shell提示从 d8> dbg> 。要在 dbg> 提示符下获得有关调试器类型 help 的帮助。

If you want to debug start d8 with --debugger. The script will break when it encounters the statement debugger; in your code, or when you type debugger; in the d8 shell. (You get the shell by starting d8 with --shell.) You know you're debugging when the shell prompt goes from d8> to dbg>. To get help with the debugger type help at the dbg> prompt.


The d8 debugger is an old school command line debugger that will be painful to use on large complex scripts if you are used to GUI debuggers.

如果要使用GUI调试器,您可以使用Chrome DevTools for Java,其中包括Eclipse调试器:

If you want to use a GUI debugger you can use the Chrome DevTools for Java, which includes an Eclipse debugger:

  • 创建类型为Standalone V8 VM的新调试配置,为连接参数设置host:localhost和port:5858 。

  • 要调试在D8中运行的代码:

    To debug code running in D8:

    • 使用您的脚本和--debugger_agent启动D8,如有必要,根据您的配置启动--debugger_port; D8的默认端口为5858。

    • 在Eclipse中启动您在上面创建的调试配置。脚本将显示在界面中

    • 在Eclipse UI中设置断点并在其中。 (您不需要在代码中使用调试程序语句。)

    • start D8 with your script and with --debugger_agent, and --debugger_port if necessary based on your config; D8's default port is 5858.
    • in Eclipse launch the debug configuration you created above. The scripts will show up in the interface
    • set breakpoints in the Eclipse UI and have at it. (You do not need debugger; statements in your code.)

    注! D8只侦听本地主机上的调试器。所以如果你在一个单独的机器,那么这将不工作。没有标志,它将使其监听另一个IP。请参阅:

    Note! D8 only listens for the debugger on the localhost. So if you are on a separate machine, then this won't work. There is no flag that will make it listen on another IP. See:https://code.google.com/p/v8/issues/detail?id=1855


    Note that the Javascript environment in D8 is not the same as the one in a browser window. There are a number of functions you can't use:

    • setTimeout及其表兄弟

    • XMLHttpRequest

    • 还有更多。检查ECMA规格以查看实际可以使用的内容。

    记住没有 code>或文档。或DOM!


    09-09 22:46