


I'm working with Android project that uses SugarORM. Now the method limit has increased so much that I have to activate multidex support. But now I have a problem with SugarORM, it creates only the tables that are in classes.dex file. It seems to ignore classes2.dex completely. Is that really a bug in Sugar and is there some good way to bypass the problem?


使用Multidex的Sugar ORM有一个错误.当反射api不在主要dex文件中时,反射api不会找到您的模型类,因此它不允许框架正确生成表.希望对您有所帮助.

There is a bug on Sugar ORM with Multidex. The reflection api doesn't find your model classes when they are out of primary dex file, so It doesn't allow the framework to generate your tables correctly. Hope that it helps.


07-23 04:47