本文介绍了的ItemRenderer hieght(和高度的变化)不会反映在的AdvancedDataGrid行的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!




I have an AdvancedDataGrid with variable row height set to true.I have written a cutsom item renderer based on the DataGroup spark component. Each row in the grid has multiple entities to display, the x position and width of the entites are based on the data of the entity itself.


I have a custom layout written for the DataGroup that measures and posistions each entity based on its data. Each entity in each row can either truncate or not truncate its label. When the labels are not truncated, I calculate the actual width of the object and validate its size manualy (to force the label to have the correct width and layout all its text lines and remeasure itself) within the DataGroup's Layout's measure method to accurately measure the datagroup itself.


The layouts, measuring, sizing, display, etc all work correctly. The entitys report the correct height they need when not truncating the labels, the datagroup reports the correct size it needs to draw all of its row's worth of entities (all from measure methods like they need to under the UIComponent lifecycle).


When inside the AdvancedDataGrid itself, rows are not sized correctly. The majority of the rows do not require multiple lines and display just fine. Those that require multiple lines have larger row heights, but not large enough to accomodate the entire text in most cases. The DataGroup for that row (and its itemRenderers) are clipped. Furthermore, When scrolling the grid, every row scrolled onscreen is the default 1 text line height, irregardless of data. In any case, resizing the AdvancedDataGrid (not resizing its columns, but the grid itself) forces all rows to snap to the correct desired height. Scrolling again produces incorreclty sized rows.

此外,该行中的每个实体的布局由几个外部因素被确定 - 最通常是可见范围(沿水平方向)。改变这种可见光范围内将触发所有项目渲染器来调整自己(通过自定义布局类),以他们的新尺寸和重新对新DataGroup的布局。这实际上会触发一个自定义的层次结构解析器重建所有AdvandedDataGrid数据提供内部使用的ArrayCollections,所以ArrayCollections被派遣改变事件的每一行的DataGroup的反应是,这样的DataGroup本身是无效的大小和布局。

Additionally, the layout of each entity in the row is determined by several external factors - most commonly being visible range (along the horizontal). Changing this visible range will trigger all item renderers to resize themselves (through the custom layout class) to their new sizes and remeasuring the new DataGroup layout. This actually triggers a custom hierarchy parser which rebuilds all the ArrayCollections used inside the AdvandedDataGrid data provider, so ArrayCollections are dispatching change events that each row's DataGroup reacts to, so the DataGroup itself is invalidating its size and layout.


These resizes do not trigger the AdvancedDataGrid to remeasure its row heights, and I must rezise the ADG itself again to snap the rows to the correct height.


Anyone have any experience with dynamically sized rows in an AdvancedDataGrid or ItemRenderers which must forcibly make the AdvandedDataGrid re-layout its rows?

不幸的是,我不能提供源$ C ​​$ C,因为有一个庞大的类进入这个号码,分层数据,卷起封闭的节点成多行,定制层次解析器,众多项目渲染器 - 这和它的一个政府合同。

Unfortunately, I cannot provide source code as there are a huge number of classes going into this, hierarchial data, rolling up closed nodes into multiple rows, custom hierarchy parsers, a multitude of item renderers - that and its a Government contract.


I have run into a similar issue with a much simpler item renderer, basically a label that will respect a max height, resize itself upto that height as its wordwrapping data will require, and then create scrollbars for itself. Again, the data sizes almost correclty when the grid is created, then changing the column width within the grid does not resize the row height as the item renderer adjusts to its new width. Only in resizing the grid itself do the item renderers resize correctly, create scroll bars, and the grids row heights are correct. The source for that item renderer:

<s:Scroller xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
            horizontalScrollPolicy="off" width="100%">

            import mx.controls.listClasses.BaseListData;
            import mx.controls.listClasses.IDropInListItemRenderer;
            import mx.controls.listClasses.IListItemRenderer;
            import mx.events.ResizeEvent;

            private var _listData:BaseListData;
            private var _data:Object;

            private var _listOrData_c:Boolean = false;

            public function get listData():BaseListData
                return _listData;
            public function set listData(value:BaseListData):void
                _listData = value;
                _listOrData_c = true;

            public function get data():Object
                return _data
            public function set data(value:Object):void
                _data = value;
                _listOrData_c = true;

            override protected function commitProperties():void
                    _listOrData_c = false;
                    label.text = _listData.label;


        <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
    <s:Group width="100%">
            <s:BasicLayout clipAndEnableScrolling="true" />
        <s:Label id="label" width="100%"/>


Throw it into a AdvancedDataGrid and set some data with very large text blocks. Resize columns, then resize the grid itself, hopefully you can reproduce the same results. Make sure you set a max height on the item renderers like:

            <mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn id="adgc1" headerText="Name" dataField="label">
                        <newLayouts:ScrollingTextItemRenderer maxHeight="60" />

使用Flex 4.1。

Using Flex 4.1.



Here are screenshots detailing the item renderer as it should function (as I have fixed the measuring to forcibly validate the label at the explicit current width before measuring):


Very wide column, no scroll bars, the labels measured height is shown in the row height


Smaller width column, some renderers have hit max height and are creating scroll bars, the last renderer is still using the measured height of the label


Smaller still column, all max heights are hit and scrollers are present for all labels, scrollers will select the row when used but allow scrolling so all text is viewable.



After much closer inspection this morning, the meausre method for the DataGroup renderers themselves was not correclty validating the size of its children upon first measure pass.


I need the labels in those items to have a restricted width so they will wordwrap appropriately, so when I am measuring the DataGroup row I need to set the width of each of its children and then measure the child. The problem was validateSize() was not correctly validating the elements size (the label was not being updated and generating its new text lines at this point). All subsequent measure passes already had a width validated to each child so measuring them again was correct. So when resizing the grid, the subsequent measure calls worked.


I took to forcibly validating each child within the DataGroup's measure method and the correct heights are now being returned and as such the AdvancedDataGrid is acutally sizing its rows correclty now.


This can be rather inefficient as each item is validated twice per lifecycle pass now, but the grid is performing as desired.


Probably something similar going on with the ScrollingLabelItemRenderer as the label probably doesn't get its width validated when it measures itself the first time thus sets the wrong measured size which the grid accepts and uses as row height.

我有ScrollingLabelItemRenderer正常工作现在又说,我不得不强行施加宽度标签和测量的渲染器时,监守它是应用新宽度之前,测量时仍然使用其previous宽度和文本行进行验证在随后的updateDisplayList ...

I have the ScrollingLabelItemRenderer functioning correctly now again, I had to forcibly apply a width to the label and validate it when measuring the renderer becuase it was still using its previous width and text lines when measuring before applying a new width in the subsequent updateDisplayList ...

        override protected function measure():void
            label.width = getExplicitOrMeasuredWidth() - verticalScrollBar.getExplicitOrMeasuredWidth();

这篇关于的ItemRenderer hieght(和高度的变化)不会反映在的AdvancedDataGrid行的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!


09-06 14:29