本文介绍了无法从 SD 卡 BeagleBone Black 刷写 eMMC的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在开发 BeagleBone Black 和在其上运行的 Debian.我想在我的板上刷入最新的 Debian 映像.为此,我从以下链接下载了最新的 Debian 映像:BeagleBone Image 并使用 WinDisk 映像准备了一张 SD 卡作家.

I am working on BeagleBone Black and Debian running on it. I want to flash latest Debian image on my board. To do so I have downloaded a latest Debian image from link:BeagleBone Image and prepared an SD card using WinDisk image writer.

按照教程,我已将 SD 卡插入 BeagleBone Black,按下启动按钮并接通电源.SD 卡映像已启动.根据教程刷写 eMMC 大约需要 30-40 分钟,所以我等了大约 2 小时(只是为了确定).然后我从我的板上取出一张 SD 卡并打开它.它启动了我之前的映像(eMMC 不是由 SD 卡映像刷新的).对于闪烁 eMMC,我正在关注链接:闪烁 beagleBone Balck eMMC.

As per tutorial I have inserted an SD card into the BeagleBone Black, pressed boot button and applied power. SD card image has booted. According to the tutorial flashing eMMC takes about 30-40 minutes, so I waited for about 2 hours (just to be sure). Then I removed an SD card from my board and power it on. It booted my previous image (eMMC was not Flashed by SD card image). For flashing eMMC I am following the link: Flashing beagleBone Balck eMMC.


I am unable to understand where I am getting wrong and how to resolve it.


你记得去掉行首的#"吗 cmdline=init=/opt/scripts/tools/eMMC/init-eMMC-flasher-v3.sh ?要进行此编辑,这将导致 SD 卡自动闪烁您打开的任何带有 SD 卡的 bbb,您只需按照以下步骤操作即可.
1. 将您的 bbb 连接到电源(USB 或 DC 都可以正常工作)
3. 插入您的 SD 卡.
4. 打开 bbb 电源.
6.执行:cd .. sudo nano boot/uEnv.txt
9. control+x 然后 "y" 然后 "Enter key" 保存更改并退出 txt 文件.
10. 重新启动 BBB,SD 卡应自动闪烁到您的 BBB,LED 将按照此模式指示(根据我的经验)约 10 分钟.LED图案:1-2-3-4-3-2-1-2-3-4-3-2-1-2-3-4-3-2-1...等..

Did you remember to remove the "#" at the beginning of the line cmdline=init=/opt/scripts/tools/eMMC/init-eMMC-flasher-v3.sh ?To make this edit, which will cause the SD card to automatically flash any bbb you turn on with the SD card in it, you just need to follow these steps.
1. Connect your bbb to a power source (USB or DC work equally well)
2. Power off the bbb by pressing the power button.
3. Insert your SD card.
4. Power the bbb on.
5. Log in to SSH (I like putty for this) with port 22 and IP
6. execute: cd .. sudo nano boot/uEnv.txt
7.navigate to the line #cmdline=init=/opt/scripts/tools/eMMC/init-eMMC-flasher-v3.sh at the bottom of the txt file.
8. Delete the "#" at the beginning of the line.
9. control+x then "y" then "Enter key" to save your change and exit the txt file.
10. Reboot the BBB and the SD card should automatically flash to your BBB which will be indicated by the LED's following this pattern for (in my experience) about 10 minutes. LED pattern: 1-2-3-4-3-2-1-2-3-4-3-2-1-2-3-4-3-2-1... etc..


这篇关于无法从 SD 卡 BeagleBone Black 刷写 eMMC的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-29 20:25