

本文介绍了Xcode 颜色选择器自动更改 HSB 颜色的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我在使用 Xcode(6.3 版)的集成颜色选择器时遇到了一个奇怪的问题:

I am having a strange issue using the integrated color picker of Xcode (version 6.3):

在我为任何项目(在我的情况下为 UIButton)指定颜色后,然后尝试输入新的色调值,只需单击文本字段,颜色就会发生变化.所有三个值(色调、饱和度和亮度)都会发生变化.有趣的是,随着按钮颜色的变化,这种变化是可见的,但实际值保持不变,直到在另一个视图中期待颜色,然后切换回按钮检查,值滑块在两者之间做一些事情,它们改变了一点点,既不停留在旧值上,也不停留在新"值上.

After I assign a color to a any item (in my case a UIButton) and then try to enter a new hue value, just by clicking the textfield the color changes. All three values (hue, saturation and brightness) change. Funny enough this change is visible as the color of the button changes, but the actual values stay the same until expecting a color in another view and then switching back to the button inspection, the value sliders do kind of thingy in between, they change a little bit, stay neither on the old nor the "new" value.

  1. 步骤:设置颜色(在Levelselect"中;Play"中有比较)设置了正确的 h、s 和 b 值.

  1. step: set the color (in "Levelselect"; "Play" is there for comparison)The correct h, s and b values are set.


step: click on one of the three values, in this case "hue"As you can see the color changes, the sliders change a tiny bit but the values stay the same.


step: inspect the color of another item or do some crazy clicking around to tell make xcode actually read the color againLook at the new values and be confused what happened.


  • 这是一个已知问题吗?
  • 有解决方法吗?
  • 我做错了什么吗?
  • 任何人都可以重现该问题,还是与我的机器/设置有某种关系?


在HSB 滑块"下拉菜单旁边,您可以看到一个设置轮.点击它并设置通用RGB"

Next to "HSB Sliders" dropdown you can see a settings wheel. Tap in it and set "Generic RGB"

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07-23 04:10