




I want the Status Bar of my app to have the exact same color as my Navigation Bar. The way I found to change the color of the Status Bar was just by creating a view in the size of the Status Bar and change the background color.

然而,即使我使用导航栏中的颜色选择器来设置视图的颜色,我也会得到 2 种完全不同的颜色,如下图所示.

However even though I use the color picker from the Nav bar to set the color of the view I get 2 totally different colors as seen in the picture below.


I've tried mixing with the color picker, changing opacity etc, however I'm never able to hit the correct color. Any ideas on how I can get the exact same color for the status bar?


UIStatusBar 的颜色会自动设置为与 UINavigationBar 的颜色匹配self.navigationController.navigationBar.barTintColor 的值.是否有理由需要单独设置它们?

The color of the UIStatusBar is automatically set to match the color of the UINavigationBar when you set the value of self.navigationController.navigationBar.barTintColor. Is there a reason you need to set them separately?


07-23 04:10