


i希望在c#中制作一个程序当我选择一个在photoshop中打开它的图像时我可以将任何参数传递给它放大spicified position ...请帮助

hi every body

i want to made a program in c# the when i select an image it open it in photoshop and i can pass any parameter to it like make a zoom in spicified position ... please help


// check for document has length
if(app.documents.length > 0)
    // original code by Filip Van Tendeloo
    // as cited in the article at:
    // http://coding.smashingmagazine.com/2012/04/11/css-sprites-revisited/

    // get active document
    var psDoc = app.activeDocument;

    // get user input on column count
    var colWidth = parseFloat( prompt("Column size?", 60.0) );
    var docWidth = psDoc.width;
    // determine number of columns
    var colCount = docWidth / colWidth;

    // create vertical guidelines
    for(i = 0; i < colCount; ++i)
        psDoc.guides.add(Direction.VERTICAL, i * colWidth);

    // extensions to Filip Van Tendelo's original script by Bill Woodruff:

    // get user input on row count
    var rowHeight  = parseFloat( prompt("Row size?", 60.0) );
    var docHeight = psDoc.height;
    // determine number of rows
    var rowCount = docHeight / rowHeight;

    // create rows
    for(i = 0; i < rowCount; ++i)
        psDoc.guides.add(Direction.HORIZONTAL, i * rowHeight);


07-23 03:56