

本文介绍了使用带有渐变背景的 CSS3 过渡的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在尝试使用 css 在缩略图上进行悬停过渡,以便在悬停时背景渐变淡入.过渡不起作用,但如果我只是将其更改为 rgba()值,它工作正常.不支持渐变吗?我也尝试使用图像,它也不会转换图像.

I'm trying to transition on hover with css over a thumbnail so that on hover, the background gradient fades in. The transition isn't working, but if I simply change it to an rgba() value, it works fine. Are gradients not supported? I tried using an image too, it won't transition the image either.

我知道这是可能的,因为在另一篇文章中有人做到了,但我不知道具体是如何做到的.任何帮助>这里有一些 CSS 可以使用:

I know it's possible, as in another post someone did it, but I can't figure out how exactly. Any help> Here's some CSS to work with:

#container div a {
  -webkit-transition: background 0.2s linear;
  -moz-transition: background 0.2s linear;
  -o-transition: background 0.2s linear;
  transition: background 0.2s linear;
  position: absolute;
  width: 200px;
  height: 150px;
  border: 1px #000 solid;
  margin: 30px;
  z-index: 2

#container div a:hover {
  background: -webkit-gradient(radial, 100 75, 100, 100 75, 0, from(rgba(0, 0, 0, .7)), to(rgba(0, 0, 0, .4)))


Gradients 还不支持过渡(尽管目前的规范说他们应该通过插值支持像渐变到像渐变过渡.).

Gradients don't support transitions yet (although the current spec says they should support like gradient to like gradient transitions via interpolation.).


If you want a fade-in effect with a background gradient, you have to set an opacity on a container element and 'transition` the opacity.

(已经有一些浏览器版本支持渐变过渡(例如 IE10.我在 2016 年在 IE 中测试了渐变过渡,当时它们似乎有效,但我的测试代码不再有效.)

(There have been some browser releases that supported transitions on gradients (e.g IE10. I tested gradient transitions in 2016 in IE and they seemed to work at the time, but my test code no longer works.)

更新:2018 年 10 月带有不带前缀的新语法的渐变转换 [e.g.Radial-gradient(...)] 现在确认(再次?)在 Microsoft Edge 17.17134 上工作.不知道什么时候加的仍然无法使用最新的 Firefox &Chrome/Windows 10.

Update: October 2018Gradient transitions with un-prefixed new syntax [e.g. radial-gradient(...)]now confirmed to work (again?) on Microsoft Edge 17.17134. I don't know when this was added. Still not working on latest Firefox & Chrome / Windows 10.

这篇关于使用带有渐变背景的 CSS3 过渡的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-23 03:52