

我正在运行Windows 8和Office 2013(64位)。我试图继续从Office 2010(32位)开始的Excel中VBA中的开发。我知道必要的64位更改,但是我收到令人困惑的配置错误。

I am running Windows 8 with Office 2013 (64-Bit). I am trying to continue developments in VBA in Excel that I started with Office 2010 (32-Bit). I am aware of the necessary 64-Bit alterations however I am receiving confusing configuration errors.


  • 如果我创建一个新的Excel文件和VBA项目;我所有的VBA代码都能正常运行。没问题。

  • 如果我打开并使用以前在Office 2010中开发/使用的文件中的宏,则会收到找不到文件:VBA6.dll错误消息。 / li>
  • 一旦开始接收消息,我将在所有VBA宏上接收到该消息;即使是以前(工作时间不超过30秒)的新文件也可以正常工作。

  • 如果我随后重新创建一个新的Excel文件和新的VBA Project,那段新代码可以正常工作。没问题-直到我在错误文件之一中运行代码。错误然后蔓延到我的新开发中。


It's as if Excel is getting its references confused but every time I check them (on good or bad files) they are always exactly the same.


  • 我的参考文献都没有丢失。

  • 我的系统上没有VBA6.dll。我有VBA7, Visual Basic for Application引用也指向 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msvbvm60.dll

  • 还有另外两个 Visual Basic for Application列表中的引用,但不会让我更改它们

  • 它可以在没有VBA6.dll的新文件上使用,所以我认为这不是必需的?

  • 我已经检查并安装了所有最新的Windows更新。

  • None of my references are missing.
  • I don't have VBA6.dll on my system; I have VBA7 and the 'Visual Basic for Application' reference refers too 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msvbvm60.dll'
  • There are two other 'Visual basic for Application' references on the list but it wont let me change them
  • It works on new files without VBA6.dll so I assume it isn't required?
  • I have checked for and installed all the latest Windows updates.


  • 如果您认为我需要VBA6.dll,那是因为引用的库在使用它吗?

  • 如果是这样,为什么他们不使用VBA7?

  • 为什么在打开旧的VBA6文件之前它能正常工作? Excel会突然决定所有文件仅因为一个文件曾经使用过而必须使用VBA6吗?


Anything to cure me of my confusion is much appreciated,



  • 收到错误后尝试调试错误时,Excel崩溃(每次)。

  • 我也向 [具有相同系统配置]的同事发送了一个错误文件,该同事尚未收到此问题-他们也收到了错误消息。提示文件有问题吗?



The problem is not yet resolved. I hope the downvote will not hinder my chances of an answer.

  • 我也尝试过重新注册库,但没有任何改变。
  • I have also tried re-registering libraries but nothing has changed.
  • If I open a 'bad file' I can add new Macros and they work fine; but the second I run an existing Macro and receive the error, the new Macros do not work either.


该错误是在Office 2013(64位)安装期间引起的。 VBA7 DLL未正确注册,因此我不得不打开regedit并在两者中手动输入正确的文件路径

The error was caused during Office 2013 (64-bit) installation. The VBA7 DLL was not registered correctly so I had to open regedit and manually input the correct filepath in both

  • HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\TypeLib {000204EF- 0000-0000-C000-000000000046} \

    • 6.0\9\win32

    • 4.2\9\win32

    替换'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msvbvm60.dll Visual Basic for Applications到VBA7 DLL文件路径的数据值(在问题中提到)。在我的系统上是:

    Replacing the 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msvbvm60.dll' data value (mentioned in the question) for Visual Basic for Applications to the VBA7 DLL filepath. Which on my system is:

    • C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\VBA\VBA7.1 \VBE7.dll


    All files now work; I hope this solves the problem for anyone else in the future.


08-15 10:21