


When should I use async/await and when should I use parallel.foreach in C#? Are parallel and async/await serve the same purpose?What are the differences in them?



async/await is about asynchrony, whereas Parallel.ForEach is about parallelism. They're related concepts, but not the same.


Parallel.ForEach is used when you want to execute the same operation on all the items in a collection, in parallel, blocking the current thread until all operations have completed.


async/await is used when the current operation can't make any more progress until a particular asynchronous operation has completed, but you don't want to block the current thread. This is particularly useful in two situations:

  • 基本上在UI线程上一个接一个地启动各种异步操作的编写代码,在两次操作之间短暂地访问UI. (比这更笼统,但这是一个简单的示例.)您不想阻塞UI线程,但是管理所有这些异步操作则很痛苦.
  • 一次
  • 一次处理很多长时间运行的操作-例如在Web服务器中.由于调用其他Web服务,数据库等,每个单独的请求可能会花费很长时间-但您不希望每个请求都有一个线程,因为线程是一种相对昂贵的资源.
  • Writing code which basically kicks off various asynchronous operations, one after the other, on the UI thread, accessing the UI briefly between operations. (It's more general than that, but that's a simple example.) You don't want to block the UI thread, but managing all of those asynchronous operations is a pain otherwise.
  • Handling lots of long-running operations at a time - e.g. in a web server. Each individual request may take a long time due to calling into other web service, databases etc - but you don't want to have one thread per request, as threads are a relatively expensive resource.

您可以通过启动一个将调用Parallel.ForEach的新任务,然后等待该任务来结合并行性和异步性. (仅举一个例子.)

You can combine parallelism and asynchrony by kicking off a new task which will call Parallel.ForEach, and then awaiting that task. (Just as one example.)


07-23 03:24